
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Real Quick!

Hey fam, Real quick I dont have much time. I am doing excellent here in Costa Rica, I really cant complain because I am in paradise. I love this country that has become my home. I love this work that has taken my whole life with it. I love my Savior, whom I am able to represent every single day, and what a blessing that is. I am so thankful for my companion Elder Jones, he is such a strong missionary, and he has taught me so much. I must have done something right to deserve such a great companion at the end of my mission. This week was WONDERFUL, especially because we saw the baptism of Sylvia, and my companion got to do it (pictures coming soon!!) it was a great experience, and I loved seeing Sylvia bear her testimony on sunday and I saw that she was really converted to the gospel, which is usually what happens after facing a lot of trials, that is when we most feel that the Savior is carrying us on this journey. She has had quite the experience with the atonement, and I hope and pray that that experience will stick with her for life. This morning at 1 we woke up to get on a bus to travel to San Jose to have my companions one month check up. We ate some amazing food and best of all we got to get inspiration from our wonderful President of the mision. He is incredible. Its so amazing to know that people like him still exist in this world, and that he is willing to do so much for us as missionaries. I dont have much time because we have to get on a bus to get back to Guanacaste before it gets too late. But I hope you all know of the gratitude I feel in my hearts towards each and every one of you. I cant express the love I have to all of you who have so lovingly dedicated your time to reading my emails and writing me. I hope you know I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I know this gospel is true. Everything points to it. God´s hand is in this work, and not just because we are teaching "the word" but because this is his work, and him and his son keep it going. I KNOW that as strange as it sounds that Joseph Smith REALLY saw our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I know they spoke to him like a man speaks to his friend, I know that through him the church was restored, just as the prophets and apostles of old have prophesied. What a blessing it is to be a member, and a missionary for this one and only life changing, soul savin´ work. I love you all, have a great week! Elder Falor

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hola de Guanacaste! (Aug. 6, 2012)

Hello family and friends, Another week has passed and here we are again! I can´t believe it but here we are again. This first week in Guanacaste has been quite the adventure. We are lucky to have bikes because the area is REALLY REALLY big. Its hot, haha, its not hotter than Zona Sur, but its a different heat that makes me feel like I am melting. We have been able to meet the members and they have taken us around and really given us a great warm welcome. I am so blessed to be called to this area to finish my mission, because there is a lot of work. There is no time to slow down even though I am on the "final stretch" as President Wilkinson said. There is so much work and so much things to repair. So on Tuesday I received my companion, his name is Elder Jones from Springville Utah. He is a great kid. I say kid because now that I am going to complete 22 years, someone with 19 makes me feel old, haha. He is really nice and has a lot of animo to serve the Lord. We are really excited to work together and I am really excited to help him on these first three months of his mission. I am his first comp and he is my last, haha. But we get along really well, there still is a language barrier because my english is not as good as it used to be. But either way we are always working hard and trying to find things to improve on daily. I have really seen the Lords hand with us here in San Roque. It can be a bit intimidating to be thrown into a new area and you have no idea where you are, left looks like right and down looks like up, but I have seen the Lord open up my mind and my eyes to really help me learn this area. Its a big area, and if I would have been with another missionary who knew the area I would have taken 2 or 3 weeks to really feel comfortable in the area, and the Lord has done that with me in only 2 or 3 days, what a blessing. I have seen many tender mercies from the Lord as well and I feel that is an answer to my prayers and for those of you who are praying for us daily, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a great week this week, we have been able to find some of the families the other elders left us. Some not so good and some are super chosen. If there was something better than gold a family here would be that. There names are Jimmy and Rina. In the first lesson with them they began to bear their testimonies to us. They told us they had no doubt that this church was true and they are so excited to be baptized. There are a few legal issues with them that we still have to work out but their marriage and baptism should be planned for the 24 of August. They are truly and inspiration to all of us here. We have another sister who is excited for her baptism this week on the 11. She has had a rough life and spilled the beans to us the fisrt day we passed by, we felt the impression to invite her to be baptized and she was so happy and she smiled and told us "thats all i want to do, is get baptized." I said it once and I will say it again, its such a blessing to be here in Guanacaste, I can feel that the Lord really has people here prepared to hear the gospel and that gives us the extra push we need to continue doing his work. I love my mission. These past 21 months have changed me into a better man. They have made me a better person and a better disciple of Jesus Christ. I feel so priveleged to represent my Savior, and at times find that the calling seems too great. But the Lord takes my sacrifice and my humble offering and magnifies it. I am so happy to have served this mission thus far in this amazing country that has become my second home. I am so happy to teach the gospel, that which I have no doubt is true. Its more than just the word of God, its the very life-changing doctrine that God has for the eternal salvation of his children. What a wonderful work this is. :) I love you all with all my heart. Until next week! Con amor, Elder Falor

...otra semana...

Hello family and friends, This week was another great week! I am so happy to be here in Guanacaste doing what I am doing. We have been so blessed to see many small miracles come our way this week. One thing that surprised me but at the same time it didnt happened on Tuesday. I am never ceased to be amazed at how much our Heavenly Father hears us, and he is generally concerned for our welfare. He blesses us in even the littlest things to let us know he is there an he is aware. On tuesday night we got stuck at about 8:30 at night with nothing to do. It was raining and everyone had locked themselves in their houses, and because of the tin roofs here in costa rica, the rain makes it almost impossible for anyone to hear if we knock their doors. No one was in the street and we didnt want to go home and waste some of the most important minutes of the day. We were walking down the street and my mind went blank, I had no idea where to go or what to do. My companion said to me, "hey, lets pray and ask Heavenly Father what to do..." Happy with the idea we both went off to the side of the deserted road and he began to offer the prayer. It was the simplest spanish prayer, but it made its way to heaven. When we both said amen, we heard no noises until we opened our eyes and we saw a motorcycle pulling up next to us, a member had saw us and asked us if we needed help. We both looked at each other and couldnt stop smiling. I know that that was a tender mercy from the Lord, I know because the Lord put us on that path at that moment and inspired my companion to say a prayer. I was so happy to meet that member and to visit him. He showed us where some less active members lived and where him and his family lived as well. We put a cita to visit them the following day as well. I felt so overwhelmed and so grateful to have a loving heavenly father who is constantly aware of our situations. I was thankful as well for the gift of the holy ghost and my companions willingness to follow the promptings he received. It reminded me of a saying I heard in Conference: "When God speaks and man obeys, that man will always be right." This week we were able to find 3 new families who were willing to hear our message. Unfortunately none of them were commited to come to church on Sunday, nonetheless we had 6 investigators in church this sunday and are hoping for more next sunday. I love the branch here and the willingness of the members. They are so willing to sacrifice for the Lord and thats what the church needs here in Guanacaste and in Costa Rica, it needs more pioneers. People who are willing to leave all, if it were necessary, for the Lord´s cause. I Love the mission and I love the opportunity I have to be here in this country working with these amazing people. These past 21 months have been absolutely amazing, and I wouldnt trade them for anything in the whole world. I am excited for the 3 months that lie ahead as well. I hope you all know that I know that this is the true church. It is the only living church out there. The only organization that with its ordinances can save the human family. Only through the temple ordinances can the families be sealed for all time and eternity. I am so humbled and so excited to be part of this wonderful, life changing work. I love you all and hope you know how thankful i am for each and everyone of you. By the way, this week (the 15) is mothers day in Costa Rica. I hope all you mothers out there (especially my own mother) all know how important you are to me and to those around you. Have a happy Costa Rican Mothers Day! Love, Elder Falor

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another week...

Hello my wonderful family, Thanks as always for the wonderful letters, it sounds like a lot is going on at home, and the same is going on here in Costa Rica. This week was great, it was spent getting ready for a big BBQ that we had in Neily for the members and it was a big success on Saturday we had so much food and it was a big hit. We then started preparing for changes, I was told that I had changes, so I spent time saying goodbye to all those I loved in the beautiful Zona Sur. It was a bittersweet goodbye, I was happy and sad to leave at the same time. I know and feel that I did my part in the Zona Sur, I feel so close and connected to the people down there, it is one of my favorite places in the country and I sure enjoyed my time there... Today changes meeting was great. I love and know that President Wilkinson is inspired. You can see it in his face and it makes me feel priveledged to be able to be in his presence and take part in the revelation that the Lord sends to him for us. I have been changed and sent to a completely different zone in a completely different area in the northern end of the country. I am sure making my way around this country. Normally with changes one missionary stays behind to show the new elder the ropes, but when the president takes them both out, we call that a white wash. I am entering in a white wash. I am going in blind as we could say. I have no Idea how my area will be or who the members are, but I am not a lone, for the next 24 Elder Prince (Canada) will be showing me the ropes until I go back to San Jose and get my companion tomorrow. My companion is still in the MTC and I do not know who he is yet. My area is called San Roque in Guanacaste, in this Province, that will mark all 7 provinces that I have set foot in. I have sure gotten to love this country and a love for the work here. I am excited for what lies ahead in these next 2 changes, I feel like everything I have learned must be put in practice these next three months. Everything I have learned it is now time to put it in practice and push until the very end. And then put in practice what I learn here in these 3 months for the rest of my life. I am excited for whats a head and ready for any challenge placed before me. This week I realized, I may not have seen many fruits with my time in Neily, and it would be easy for me to feel that my work has been in vain. Many amazing things happened this weekend that proved to me that there is a God, a very aware God. He knows and blesses his children. After having countless sundays without families in church and countless saturdays with an empty baptismal font, we were able to be blessed with a family in church on Sunday. In the first contact at the BBQ they accepted the invitation to be baptized the 12 of August. Even though I wont be here to see it, I know that is a fruit of my labor, I know that the Lord blessed me for my efforts I put in Neily. When President Vela wrote me in my journal he said something that made it easier for me to leave Neily when he said "tu trabajo aquĆ­ se valiĆ³ la pena" (your work was worth it here) I felt at ease leaving Neily knowing that I had made a mark on someones life, and I had helped at least one soul come back to Christ. This week I also have thought alot about a phrase we use as missionaries. "Families can be together forever"...to some that may seem just like a phrase that is used in families or in the church, or something just casual without meaning. But until someone has faced death, or had a loved one pass on, it doesnt become more than just a phrase. I know that families can be together forever. I know that death does not part us. I know that as I testify in the street that families are meant to be together forever. It only makes sense. Being a part of teaching the temple prep class has put such emphasis on the importance of family for me. I am set that "heaven" wouldnt be "heaven" without my family, those I love so dearly. I love you all so much. I cant wait for the day when I will see you again and be able to share this amazing experience with you all. Until then, take care and I will write you next week. Elder Falor