
Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 24

Hello Family and friends,

Another week has gone by here in San Ramon, and I am sitting here reflecting on all that has passed, it has been a wonderful week filled with growth, learning, loving, and much more. I have really gained a love and appreciation for my mission, I honestly wouldnt trade a second of this time I have here to serve the Savior, I cant think of anything more productive, more fun and enjoyable than this. I am learning so much that I can take with me for the rest of my life.

This week we had the amazing priveledge to watch conference and to hear the inspired words of Gods servants on the earth. I was so excited Saturday morning because us 3 gringos would get the chance to watch conference in English, so we were practically running to the chapel and I felt like a little kid on Christmas. But as I was walking, I saw people who were going about their day like a normal saturday, like there was nothing special going on, and I thought, how sad that these people dont know that we have a prophet of God on the earth, who speaks with him face to face for our benefit, and I reflected on the importance of making these things known to all people, that we have a prophet, and apostles and the true church of Christ, I know that if those people knew what I knew, it wouldnt be just a regular saturday, because Gods mouthpiece was speaking to us, which was ever more reason for me to pick up my pace on the way to conference.

I learned a bunch from conference, stuff that applies to me here and now, and my future, I learned things thatI felt were truly inspired to reach my ears. I loved D. Todd Christoffersons talk when he referred to the talk The Currant Bush by Hugh B. Brown, I read that talk in my first area in a time of struggle and saddness, and it has really helped me, I have to remember that I am not the gardener here, and sometimes God will cut me down to prepare me for something bigger and better that he has in store for me. If GOd doesnt want me to be a certain way, I must accept and give thanks that He is in control in my life, and he shapes me and makes me how I can best be to serve him, and to find joy and happiness in this life. I loved everything about Conference, the spirit was truly strong, I loved that President Monson spoke of the temple being built in rome, that is a huge step for the Church and to think that the same place where the ancient apostles walked and were martyred nearly 2000 years later, we will have a temple, where the people of Italy can enter into the most sacred of covenants in the House of the Lord. Conference was truly an amazing blessing, I enjoyed every minute of it!

This week we found ourselves teaching, teaching and teaching! Which is exactly what I would like to be doing every day, I am never happier except when I am able to bear my testimony and teach people these simple but amazing and life changing truths. We have been preparing a family of 4 for baptism, their names are Alexis, Marta, Paola, and Tanya, they are a great family, and we have worked SO HARD to get them into the waters of baptism, they need to get married but Alexis is Nicaraguan and has to get his papers from his country, so not only have we been working on a marriage for them, but also with their addictions to things not in line with the Word of Wisdom, Alexis has had some bouts with alchol, but we are helping him realize that what he is doing isnt helping him or his family in their progression, and Marta has/had an addiction to coffee. I went and bought her some chocolate mix to make hot chocolate in place of Coffee, she said it would be hard and she didnt think she could do it. I told her about how at one point I drank coffee, and didnt think it would make a difference if I stopped drinking it, but I testified to her that there is a difference and the spirit of the Lord will be with her in more abundance. The next morning (sunday) we asked her how her coffee went because we challenged her to go from 4 cups to 2, she said she hasnt had any cups, and feels great! Alexis hasnt drank in over a week and he said he feels good. There is true strength to be found in the things of the Lord, he knows how to help us and make us strong in order to obey him and his commandments. We are doing everythign to help this family get baptized, and I can truly see the Lords help with us when we do all we can, he makes up the difference.

This week we had quite the funny experience, we were in our room all four of us talking, I was on my bunk and the other three were standing below on the floor. I had my glasses off because I was about to head off to sleep. In mid conversation they all started screaming "AHH!! MATELO MATELO!" I freaked out and threw on my glasses and looked at what they were talking about, expecting just to see a big spider, to my surprise I saw a GIANT scorpion crawling across our floor! Haha! It was freaky, but so funny, and I gave thanks that I got to sleep on the top bunk, I will send a picture of this scorpion so you can all seeit! There is a bunch of wildlife here in San Ramon, more than in Tibas, so far I have seen 2 tarantulas, a zillion toads, a zillion scorpions and a zillion and 3 cockroaches. But that was just a super funny experienec we had, 4 "tough guys" all screaming at the sight of a scorpion.

This week as I heard a song that I have always loved, the words hit me even stronger this time. "Sometimes he lets it rain" is the song title and I thought about that, how in life we all wish that we could have sunshine 24/7, but sometimes God lets in rain on us, and I believe its in hopes that we would show him that we have faith, and that we will excercise it, even when the clouds come in and it appears it will never let up. I have learned this experience more than once on my mission, sometimes, even when we are doing all we can to be what he wants, he lets it rain, and he doesnt let it stop. He has all power and all control over our lives in a real literal sense, but he lets it rain on us, so we can figure out what to do, and show him that we rely wholly upon him and his help in this life. I couldnt do any of the things I have done this far, without his amazing and divine help. I have seen the clouds, and I have felt like they would never leave, but I have seen the sun as well.

I know that the Lord KNOWS and LOVES each and every one of us, with a love that is so personal and so infinite. I know that he is constantly at work in our lives. I know and witness of that love in every aspect of my daily life. I know it because I can see it, I can see and feel the words of the prophet and know that he is called of God, I know that GOd calls prophets because he loves us, and doesnt want us to be alone without a guide in this world growing scarier and more confusing as the days pass by. I know God loves us enough to restore his church on the earth, full of the blessings and authority for all mankind. There is no person in the world that the blessigs of the Gospel cannot reach. I know God lives, I know Jesus Christ lives, and stands as our Savior and Redeemer. I know that this church is true, and I have no shame, doubt, or fear in saying and testifying of its truthfulness.

I love you all, and I hope you all know that. I hope this week brings many blessings and many great things!
You are always in my heart and in my prayers, I love you with all that I am!
Stay strong, keep the faith and lose the fear...
Elder Falor

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