
Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 23

Hello Family and friends,

Wow, another week has gone by, it feels like just yesterday that I was writing you all last week. I am now a believer about time in the mission, it FLIES by, it may not seem that way to you all but I have already been out for 5 months and I am headed for 6! Crazy! I remember getting here and thinking 6 months was never going to come, but its creeping up on me. I am really enjoying my time as a servant of the Lord. It doesnt stop being hard, but it does start to get really enjoyable. I love coming home at night knowing I gave my all another day to the serving of the Lord. I found this week that even when everything goes wrong in a day, I am miserable, sick, tired, and feel I cant walk another step, it all gets better when we find one person and share our message with them. I am absolutely at my happiest when I am teaching and testifying of Christ and His church. I find after leaving a lesson I have a spring in my step, and I am energized and feel the spirit pushing me a long every step of the way.

This week was great, we taught a lot, found a lot, and just like normal, we have people in every spectrum of the Gospel, but nonetheless, the work moves forward with great speed. We are working really hard in San Ramon to strengthen and increase membership in the branch.

This week while walking through a jungle/forest to get to another appointment I was struck with fear at first. Its about a 15 minute walk in total darkness, and I let my fear take control at first, but I said a prayer in my heart and immediately the spirit took control. I was comforted and we got to theappointment safely. I can testify that the spirit is real, he is there and he knows us just as our Father and Savior know us. He waits for us to call upon him using our faith, and then he comforts and guides us.

Well family, I am typing on a computer that is super annoying and the keyboard is broken so its super hard to type, so because of that I am out of time, i wish I could write more but I cant right now. Know that I love this work, Ilove this Gospel, and I love each of you individually and specially.

God be with you till we meet again.

Elder Falor

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