
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 21: Hello from San Ramon Costa Rica‏

Helloo Family,
yet another week has come and gone here in Costa Rica. This week was just as crazy as the rest, but filled with amazing moments and memories I will never ever forget as long as I live. This week was my last week in Tibas. But we were having great success. I am constantly seeing the Lords hand in this work, and just how when we think we are not going to do any good in the month he himself intervenes, and opens our eyes and the way to his chosen and prepared sons or daughters. We found a lady named Aida, her son Jaime and his girlfriend and soon to be spouse, Yerling, who are all preparing to be baptized and Jaime and yerling married just before their baptism. I am sad I will miss it, but I know the Lord called me to San Ramon, and that the people and places and things I knew in tibas were meant for my progression as his son and his missionary.

This week in Tibas, Estaca Toyopan had their stake conference, we had an area seventy come and speak. It was a great experience, I was surprised how much I understood, and the spirit testified to me of the truth of it all. It was great, I got the chance to sustain our Prophet Thomas S. Monson, the distance between me adn the prophet, and the language barrier didnt stop the spirit from testifying that this man was chosen of God to be our guide, our seer, and our mouthpiece to heaven. I know he is a Prophet of God and I am so happy I was able to raise my hand and vote to sustain him as our Prophet seer and revelator. This week I felt the spirit in great abundance, so much that it literally almost brings tears to my eyes and I get the chills. Those who have the gift of the HOly Ghost dont know how lucky they are to have this gift to testify and teach of the truth, and to bring that overwhelming peace and reassurance in this life.

I am always amazed at how much the Lord knows me individually, he knows my circumstance, he knows when I need his help, he knows when he must let me do it on my own. But either way he is at my side. This week in Tibas I had the pleasure of doing divisions twice. Once in Zurqui, and the other in La Leon XIII. Both were amazing experiences, we were contacting in the street, in the park, testifying wherever we could. I really felt like a messenger from the Lord. Even though not a lot will come out of this, I can rest assured knowing I left those people with my testimony of the truth. And when the Lord sees fit he will cause it to stir in their hearts and they can come to this happiness that we have.

This week as I said before I had changes. It was harder than I thought to leave Tibas. It was a hard area but I grew to love it and the people SO MUCH! I almost cried saying goodbye to my dear new friends, it felt like I was saying goodbye to my family again, I get so attatched and these people become a temporary subsititute for my family. But I am happy knowing I did my part, I can leave Tibas with no regrets, knowing I gave my all even in times when it was difficult. At changes meeting, it was great to see everything change, some people progressing, Elder Montierth is now District leader in Zona Atlantica! My comp is still in Tibas, but is doing great! I am here with my new Comp in San Ramon. My comps name is Elder Gibbs from Utah, we live in a house with another kid from Utah and one from Honduras. The area seems chill and I am excited to get to work. Apparently, President Galvez thinks I am in the welcoming comittee for new missionaries who are new converts. Unknowingly, he called me from the audience to give a welcome to an elder in front of nearly 200 missionaries IN SPANISH! It went well, I just testified to him how great of a blessing his story and his testimony will be to those he serves.

Well Family, as usual the work always continues. Its like starting all over again, but I have no doubt that the Lord will lift me up. I am so amazed at the love he has for me and for each and everyone of us. Even those not of the LDS faith. God loves his children, he wants them to be successful and happy in this life, and I know that he wants us to follow him with all our hearts. I know this Gospel is true, I know that Jesus is the Christ, the light and life of the world, and that through him we can have everlasting life. I know that this church is TRUE! It is the same church that Jesus Christ himself established some 2000 years ago. I know the Book of Mormon to be true because I have read it, I know and feel with deep conviction in my heart that these are the words of God, I know that it is the most correct book on EARTH and it contains the necessary information we need to fulfill our purpose and return to live with Heavenly Father.I know I was called of God to be here. I know all this without a shadow of a doubt.

Know that I love you all! Until next week!
I love you!
Elder Falor

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