
Monday, December 27, 2010

I am a missionary called by the Prophet of God

Hello Mom (and family),
Thanks so much again for your letter, it really boosts my spirits to read them. It was so great to talk to you, I wish I could of talked longer but one of the Elders was standing next to me the whole time saying ¨ya mop¨ which means like yeah friend, and he really wanted to talk to his family. But I was bummed because I could of talked to you for a little longer, but oh well, it was nice to hear what I could and it was so great to hear your voices it gave me some serious strength to continue which is definitely what I need here. So to answer your questions, it´s been weird here because we haven´t had a really typical day, because with all the new training stuff, the christmas season and the coming up of a new year there hasn´t been a typical day. But usually what will happen is we will wake up at 630 and from 630 to 8 we are getting ready for the day, like exercising or showering or things like that, and at 8 to 9 we have personal study, which is crazy because now that i am in the field it is a requirement that you study in spanish, so I am reading the scriptures in spanish and I hardly understand any of them, but it´s alright, I had a great study this morning because I was really struggling with everything, but somehow the Lord lead me to scriptures that still had the same impact on me, even in spanish. So then at 9 to 10 we have companion study, where all the elders in the house get together and we sing a hymn and share what we learned in personal study and then we practice and study in our companionships for what we are going to do that day. Then I´m supposed to have language study from 10 to 11 but since my comp is native I dont really have an opportunity to study the language. Then we will usually go to the cocinera or cook´s house and she will cook us lunch and then we begin proselyting, either contacting, meet up with investigators for lessons and so forth. We might return to the house once or twice to use the bathroom and get something to drink but usually we are out walking from noon to 9 every day, my feet, hips, back, and everything has never hurt so much before. But it´s great. Our apartment is pretty nice considering the circumstances, unfortunately all the elders I live with are really dirty, and they don´t flush the toilet or clean up after themselves, but its pretty nice, we have a living area sort of with no furniture a back yard 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. It´s crazy, from the outside here all the houses look super small, but when you get in the inside they are really quite big, depending on your area. And, yes, all four of us live together. And I´m not sure what we do on Pdays because my last pday we had a conference for like 4 zones for christmas, but Monday isn´t our pday its just our internet day, on pday we might take a nap, do some study, and play soccer Im pretty sure, because soccer is huge here. They have two teams in CR Sopressa and Liga and you are either one or the other, you can´t not be a fan of either, so people will come up to you and ask you what color you are, it´s funny. I love my comp but I wish I could understand more of him. In lessons he is so powerful and spiritual and has a lot of knowledge of the gospel, we just have a huge communication gap. San Jose is crazy like I said, it´s just like one of those cities you see on like amazing race or something, cars going everywhere, people crossing the street everywhere, dogs roaming around, people honking, and shouting. Its hard to explain what it´s like, you just have to experience it. It is pretty modernized, it doesn´t look that way, but when you get inside buildings and stuff it´s a lot like the US. And, we mostly travel by foot, often times we take the bus because Tibás is a big area but it costs money for the bus so we try and walk as much as we can. Sometimes we take taxis but theyre so expensive we are really not supposed to. I haven´t seen much crawling stuff, just HUGE ants, and cockroaches is about all in the city. And we have zero food in our apartment so I haven´t had much for breakfast, in fact today was the only day I´ve eaten breakfast in the apt. since I got here, I had an apple that a member gave us yesterday. And when I called on friday it was from my apartment, in our living area we have a phone. My mission president is somewhere in San Jose, I´m not sure how close he is to Tibás but I imagine its about an 30 minute trip by taxi maybe an hour by bus. Oh man, about that assault, it was so scary, it was weird a man just jumped out from like a little ledge overlooking a river thing and just tried to steal this girls cell phone, we´re really not supposed to get involved in things like that so we turned around real quick, but the guy saw us and turned and ran away and the girls just walked off and continued to text like it was something that happens often. I get so scared everytime we walk past that area now, but nothing weird has happened since. My area in Tibás isn´t really that scary, it has some poorer parts that are freaky but not as bad as the other elders who have to go to a town called Leon 13 and that place FREAKS me out. Elder Nuñez took me there on the 24 and it was terrifying, everyone was drunk and lighting off fireworks, not a good combo. But so far for me, Leon 13 is the scariest so far I´ve been in, and it´s one of 2 places that is the most dangerous in CR.

Well, I hope that answers your questions. This first week on the field has been absolutely crazy. I understand what a sister missionary once told me about learning a language, first you cry and then you learn. I´ve had my moments where I just want to cry and break down and give up, but in those moments are times that I learn the most about myself, spanish, the gospel, and everything around me. I can honestly say this week has been THE hardest 7 days of my entire life. Absolutely without a doubt, but like I said earlier everytime I direct my focus on the Savior, it gets a little easier. Yesterday was a perfect example of that. We went to el Barrio de Tibás and had our normal church meetings, I didn´t understand ANY of it, but the bishop asked me to pass the sacrament, and me, not knowing what that sentence was in spanish, foolishly said yes, haha it was scary but It was good becasue there was only like 20 members there when the sacrament was passed. I then said the prayer in PH, which also terrified me, but everyone comes up to me and says that my pronunciation is good. After the meetings, a member could tell I was having a rough day and he asked me in his broken english, if I had prayed and I said yes, harder than I ever have prayed before, he said are you studying with your comp and I said no, and he said are you fasting, and I said no. So I´m going to try to fast, to get that extra help from my father in heaven to learn spanish. I feel once I know spanish it will all come easier, the traditions, the gospel, the food, everything. It was nice, he told me afterwards, you can do this, you are a missionary. ANd that struck me really hard, I am a missionary, called by a Prophet of God, I have God on my side, and with God nothing is impossible, absolutely nothing. There are no boundaries to the amount that I am capable of learning.

I really deeply and sincerely appreciate all you do for me, you are my rock and my comfort. Like it says in the Josh Groban song ´´you raise me up so I can stand on mountains, you raise me up to walk on stormy seas, I am strong when YOU are on MY shoulder, you raise me up to more than I can be´´ Thats so true and something I often think of when I get discouraged.

Yesterday was better after church because we went contacting with the Bishop who is super nice, I bore a few testimonies in our lessons and it was good, we also placed our first BOM since I´ve been here which is great. After a long day of walking we went to the Bishops house and had a nice dinner of tamales and good carmel milk drink because yesterday was FREEZING!

Well I am glad to hear that all is well at home, just know I am thinking of you DAILY here, and constantly looking to you all for strength. I couldn´t do it without you. I love you, you are in my prayers always and forever,
your son, brother, grandson, nephew, best friend, adopted son, and favorite Elder

Elder Falor

I am a missionary called by the Prophet of God

Hello Mom (and family),
Thanks so much again for your letter, it really boosts my spirits to read them. It was so great to talk to you, I wish I could of talked longer but one of the Elders was standing next to me the whole time saying ¨ya mop¨ which means like yeah friend, and he really wanted to talk to his family. But I was bummed because I could of talked to you for a little longer, but oh well, it was nice to hear what I could and it was so great to hear your voices it gave me some serious strength to continue which is definitely what I need here. So to answer your questions, it´s been weird here because we haven´t had a really typical day, because with all the new training stuff, the christmas season and the coming up of a new year there hasn´t been a typical day. But usually what will happen is we will wake up at 630 and from 630 to 8 we are getting ready for the day, like exercising or showering or things like that, and at 8 to 9 we have personal study, which is crazy because now that i am in the field it is a requirement that you study in spanish, so I am reading the scriptures in spanish and I hardly understand any of them, but it´s alright, I had a great study this morning because I was really struggling with everything, but somehow the Lord lead me to scriptures that still had the same impact on me, even in spanish. So then at 9 to 10 we have companion study, where all the elders in the house get together and we sing a hymn and share what we learned in personal study and then we practice and study in our companionships for what we are going to do that day. Then I´m supposed to have language study from 10 to 11 but since my comp is native I dont really have an opportunity to study the language. Then we will usually go to the cocinera or cook´s house and she will cook us lunch and then we begin proselyting, either contacting, meet up with investigators for lessons and so forth. We might return to the house once or twice to use the bathroom and get something to drink but usually we are out walking from noon to 9 every day, my feet, hips, back, and everything has never hurt so much before. But it´s great. Our apartment is pretty nice considering the circumstances, unfortunately all the elders I live with are really dirty, and they don´t flush the toilet or clean up after themselves, but its pretty nice, we have a living area sort of with no furniture a back yard 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. It´s crazy, from the outside here all the houses look super small, but when you get in the inside they are really quite big, depending on your area. And, yes, all four of us live together. And I´m not sure what we do on Pdays because my last pday we had a conference for like 4 zones for christmas, but Monday isn´t our pday its just our internet day, on pday we might take a nap, do some study, and play soccer Im pretty sure, because soccer is huge here. They have two teams in CR Sopressa and Liga and you are either one or the other, you can´t not be a fan of either, so people will come up to you and ask you what color you are, it´s funny. I love my comp but I wish I could understand more of him. In lessons he is so powerful and spiritual and has a lot of knowledge of the gospel, we just have a huge communication gap. San Jose is crazy like I said, it´s just like one of those cities you see on like amazing race or something, cars going everywhere, people crossing the street everywhere, dogs roaming around, people honking, and shouting. Its hard to explain what it´s like, you just have to experience it. It is pretty modernized, it doesn´t look that way, but when you get inside buildings and stuff it´s a lot like the US. And, we mostly travel by foot, often times we take the bus because Tibás is a big area but it costs money for the bus so we try and walk as much as we can. Sometimes we take taxis but theyre so expensive we are really not supposed to. I haven´t seen much crawling stuff, just HUGE ants, and cockroaches is about all in the city. And we have zero food in our apartment so I haven´t had much for breakfast, in fact today was the only day I´ve eaten breakfast in the apt. since I got here, I had an apple that a member gave us yesterday. And when I called on friday it was from my apartment, in our living area we have a phone. My mission president is somewhere in San Jose, I´m not sure how close he is to Tibás but I imagine its about an 30 minute trip by taxi maybe an hour by bus. Oh man, about that assault, it was so scary, it was weird a man just jumped out from like a little ledge overlooking a river thing and just tried to steal this girls cell phone, we´re really not supposed to get involved in things like that so we turned around real quick, but the guy saw us and turned and ran away and the girls just walked off and continued to text like it was something that happens often. I get so scared everytime we walk past that area now, but nothing weird has happened since. My area in Tibás isn´t really that scary, it has some poorer parts that are freaky but not as bad as the other elders who have to go to a town called Leon 13 and that place FREAKS me out. Elder Nuñez took me there on the 24 and it was terrifying, everyone was drunk and lighting off fireworks, not a good combo. But so far for me, Leon 13 is the scariest so far I´ve been in, and it´s one of 2 places that is the most dangerous in CR.

Well, I hope that answers your questions. This first week on the field has been absolutely crazy. I understand what a sister missionary once told me about learning a language, first you cry and then you learn. I´ve had my moments where I just want to cry and break down and give up, but in those moments are times that I learn the most about myself, spanish, the gospel, and everything around me. I can honestly say this week has been THE hardest 7 days of my entire life. Absolutely without a doubt, but like I said earlier everytime I direct my focus on the Savior, it gets a little easier. Yesterday was a perfect example of that. We went to el Barrio de Tibás and had our normal church meetings, I didn´t understand ANY of it, but the bishop asked me to pass the sacrament, and me, not knowing what that sentence was in spanish, foolishly said yes, haha it was scary but It was good becasue there was only like 20 members there when the sacrament was passed. I then said the prayer in PH, which also terrified me, but everyone comes up to me and says that my pronunciation is good. After the meetings, a member could tell I was having a rough day and he asked me in his broken english, if I had prayed and I said yes, harder than I ever have prayed before, he said are you studying with your comp and I said no, and he said are you fasting, and I said no. So I´m going to try to fast, to get that extra help from my father in heaven to learn spanish. I feel once I know spanish it will all come easier, the traditions, the gospel, the food, everything. It was nice, he told me afterwards, you can do this, you are a missionary. ANd that struck me really hard, I am a missionary, called by a Prophet of God, I have God on my side, and with God nothing is impossible, absolutely nothing. There are no boundaries to the amount that I am capable of learning.

I really deeply and sincerely appreciate all you do for me, you are my rock and my comfort. Like it says in the Josh Groban song ´´you raise me up so I can stand on mountains, you raise me up to walk on stormy seas, I am strong when YOU are on MY shoulder, you raise me up to more than I can be´´ Thats so true and something I often think of when I get discouraged.

Yesterday was better after church because we went contacting with the Bishop who is super nice, I bore a few testimonies in our lessons and it was good, we also placed our first BOM since I´ve been here which is great. After a long day of walking we went to the Bishops house and had a nice dinner of tamales and good carmel milk drink because yesterday was FREEZING!

Well I am glad to hear that all is well at home, just know I am thinking of you DAILY here, and constantly looking to you all for strength. I couldn´t do it without you. I love you, you are in my prayers always and forever,
your son, brother, grandson, nephew, best friend, adopted son, and favorite Elder

Elder Falor

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

¡Hola mi familia!

Hello Family,

I hope this letter finds you well all the way from Costa Rica. Well, I arrived here about 2 pm (Costa Rica time) on Monday and it has been non stop crazy since. On Monday, as I said, we met the APs and they were really nice Elder Smith from Utah and Elder Centino from Nicaragua. Costa Rica is absolutely amazing and crazy at the same time. I cant believe I am here, but it is nothing like I imagined, don´t worry though, i am protected. On Monday we also ate dinner at Pres. Gálvez house and it was really good, then on Tuesday we went and got our fingerprints for our residency cards to live here. Then we had breakfast at the Presidents house, which also was really good, but i think my nerves are making me not very hungry, I havent ate much since i´ve been here, but i´m doing fine. We stayed with the APs in downtown San Jose which was an experience, I´ve never been in a city quite like this. I met my companion after a few hours of training on Tuesday, his name is Elder Bertrand, he is from Honduras and speaks little to no English, and I speak little to no spanish. It´s crazy, when I got here and listened to people speak, I felt like I learned nothing in the MTC, i said to myself this is a different spanish, not the spanish i learned, but I have a lot of work ahead of me if I am going to be successful with my spanish. My companion is awesome, he promised to teach me spanish if i would teach him english. They are putting more gringos togethere with nativos so that they can all be speaking two languages. My area is called Tibás I am in the City living with 2 other Elders, Elder Montierth from Boise, and Elder Nuñez from Honduras who also speaks no english. On Tuesday we took the taxi to our apartment and I put my luggage inside and immediately we were off to work, we went contacting and walking around because he isnt familiar with the area. We talked with about 4 people and made a few appointments to teach. My p-days will be on Mondays normally, but with the stream of new elders coming in on Monday we had it today after a really long but nice Christmas Multizone Conference. It was all in spanish, and I understood little to nothing, but it was good because the spirit was strong. Today I meet the Obispo or Bishop of the ward where we live, luckily the entire ward here speaks English. Its truly a humbling experience being in a completely different country where I dont understand anything, and have people look you up and down in a really weird way. Some people blatently ingore us as we come to the door and yell ¡upe! but others are really friendly. CR is the lowest baptizing mission in Central America but nonetheless they have tons of baptisms every month. Our focus as a mission is families and men who can be able to hold the priesthood, so we, as my companion says, looking for those of Gods children who look lost. I didnt say much as we contacted on Tuesday but I tried my best to communicate. Now I am sitting here in an internet cafe listening to the loudest traffic you´ll ever hear, with every body honking and yelling and speeding past. And I haven´t stopped thinking of you since I got on the plane at 5:30 on Monday. I´m so happy I was able to talk to you Mom for a few minutes on Monday, I can´t believe I cried that much, but even now I think of you and I start to get teary, when I think of all of you. I miss you a lot, and I feel very scared here in a totally different situation but I know its what Im supposed to do, where Im supposed to be. I look at my shoulder often now and I see you there cheering me on, it truly boosts me up. Well, I am happy, don´t get me wrong, I love what I´m doing it is just so different nothing I am ever used to before, but I know as my spanish improves I will be able to get into the swing of things. Mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! Wow I sure do love you, and I´m sorry I couldnt be there for your birthday, but remember I am there in spirit and I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. Remember you are loved even in Latin America by a really odd looking gringo walking the streets of Costa Rica and telling people about Jesus Christ. Haha. I hope you enjoy youre day and you all enjoy your holiday, now for what you are all probably waiting for, the call on Christmas. It will actually be on Christmas Eve at about 4 o clock CR time, i think it makes it 3 pm at home. You´ll probably have to buy a international phone card, in fact I would suggest it and you can call me at 01506(this is the number of the area) 2240-2042, I sure hope that works, and we´ll get to talk for as long as my companion will allow, but he is so chill Im sure he will let me talk for quite a bit. Once again the number is 01506 2240-2042, hopefully you can figure it out, I´m so excited to talk to you all. Well unfortunately my mission President has made a rule that we can only e-mail our families, but I will try to put little tidbits in my family e-mail for all of you! Mom, thanks for the christmas package, I can´t wait to open the letters on Saturday, but I did have to open all the presents in order for them all to fit into my bags, but i sure did like the temple calendar and the ties, thanks so much!

Maddison-thanks for all your support! I did get your package thanks so much! Unfortunately to make weight and to put everything into my bag i had to open all my christmas presents, but I loved them all thanks so much! Thanks for all your support while I was in the MTC and thanks for helping me get to CR you played a big part in getting me here, and I tell everyone here about you, even if it is in super broken spanish. It´s tough being here, I wont lie, but everytime I get sad or upset or i feel homesick, I just think about what I am here for, I am here to bring others closer to Christ who is my savior and theirs. When I think about that, all else just disappears and I am focused, It will take a little bit of time to get accustomed to a new culture, and a new language and new way of life, but I am excited for the next 22 months. Remember, I love you, you are in my prayers every night and I love the blanket! It really brings a piece of home with me. Tell your family I really appreciate their support and am so thankful to have them in my life. I´m so thankful for their examples and for yours. Stay strong and all remember I LOVE YOU! PS If you see Steph, by chance from Legacy House, tell her thanks so much for the packages, I really appreciated that.

BTW family, I you by chance want to send a package to CR, the only way that is best for you and for us is through USPS not UPS, DHL, or FedEx, they cost a whole bunch of money to drive into San Jose and pick them up, it´s just trouble, so if you want to send packages send them through USPS, ¡gracias!

Well I´m so excited to talk to you all, I know I will cry like a baby, but Im excited to hear all your voices again and get a little pick me up from home. I love you a lot! Don´t forget it. Don´t forget that our Heavenly Father loves you, that He knows you, just as He knows all His children. I love you so much! You are in my prayers!

Con amor, su hijo, amigo, y misionero favorito :)
Elder Falor

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last week in the MTC!

Hello Family!

I hope this letter finds you all doing well! So I got my travel plans last Thursday! I will be leaving the MTC this coming Monday the 20th. And Mom, don't worry, not only will I be with the 4 elders from my district going to CR but we are traveling in a group of 16 missionaries all going to CR! So I will be plenty safe, guided, and protected. We leave our dorms at 2:45 in the morning so as to get to the travel offices here at 3 and our first flight leaves SLC at 5:30 AM, I don't know how much time I will have to call, but my Branch President said since it's so close to Christmast it will only be about 10 minutes depending on the layover, which mine is really short. So I will call at SLC anywhere from 4:00 to 5:00 AM, I'm sorry, I know it's early but I will be glad to talk to you all for a little while and then again on Saturday. I land in Houston at 9:32 aprox. and we leave there at 10:20 and should land in Costa Rica around 2:00 PM on monday. So should I call 7643170 on monday or the house phone or what? I'm so excited to hear from you!

Mom, I got your package, AH! thanks so much! The krantz were amazing as always, and thanks for sending me the dictionary that will be really helpful. The krantz were really good and reminded me of some good home cooking just before I have to get used to rice and beans for two years, YUM. But I am really excited because I'm growing sicker and sicker of the MTC food as the days pass. Also, I will be sending a package home full of things I will not need in CR (my 2nd suit, sweats, sweatshirt, etc..) So just keep an eye out for that. Also, mom if some money comes out of my account on monday it's because I will need some more money for baggage, i still have some stuff leftover that you gave me when I came in here, but I will be taking out extra just in case. And, I did get your pictures, I thought I mentioned that it was great to see all you, but I'm sorry if I didn't, I did get them and they were so great to have! Also mom, as I head to CR I realize that I wont be receiving dear elders like I have here, and that's okay, but one thing that has helped me this far is a part from that song "You'll be in my heart" that I had you listen to prior to my mission that I sing in my head from time to time: "when destiny calls you, you must be strong, I may not be with you, but you got to hold on"..I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now, and we are both away from each other which has never been the case in the last 20 years, but we've got to hold on, God has many blessings in store for us and he's just waiting for us to receive them. Stay strong, and remember you're always in my heart. :) P.s. Tell Kristie that i really enjoyed her letter and gift, give her a big thank you and a hug!

Holli, I'm sorry I dont have my address book with your e-mail on it, but I want you to know that I appreciate your letter, it was so great to hear from you, I'm glad you're doing better, I pray for you every single time I pray and you are always thought of. I hope that you continue to do well and stay strong! You will make an excellent mommy, I just know it and I can't wait for you to experience that. Stay strong and remember that I love you so much. Good luck!

So family, I made it a whole big 8 weeks here at the MTC, it's been tough to say goodbye to previous elders and it will be hard to say goodbye to half my district who leave tomorrow. We made our last temple trip today, we had our last choir practice, our last devotional last night, and our last TRC is tonight. It's crazy how fast time flies, and before we know it, I'll be going down that escalator and we will see each other again. I'm doing absolutly great, I can't even fathom how much I have learned while being here, It's insane and I have so much to learn. So my comp and I just got finished giving a blessing to one of the HErmanas in our zone, and I gave the blessing. It was so amazing! The spirit worked through me and I felt that she was comforted in her hard time. See, look at that! Look how much different I am now, 15 months ago, I would have never dared do that, not if my life depended on it. The Lord really has power to change us, for the better, I love who I am now as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere than here, learning how to spread the good news of the gospel in SPANISH to the people of Costa Rica. We had a great week here at the MTC last wednesday me and my companion welcomed the new district in and we are doing it again tonight as Zone Leaders. It's a lot of responsibility but I'm glad for the opportunity to serve. I am so thrilled to get to costa rica, even though tengo un poco miedo, but all will be well! I know the Lord knows me, I know I am his son, I know I was called of Him to declare his word to the People of Costa Rica, as if he were there Himself.

So this is my last p-day at the MTC, next time I write you I will be in Costa Rica, thank you all for the blessings you have given me and that I feel DAILY here at the MTC. I love my family. I love my God, and My Savior Jesus Christ. I know they live, I know they love me, and they love you, and all of the people on earth.
God be with you till we meet again, I love you family and friends :) stay strong

Elder Falor

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

7 weeks

Hello Family,

Mom to answer your questions, I don't mind getting my package here at the MTC, I was actually going to say that anyway, becasue this is the only SURE place that I will receive it, but the last day to send packages is the 22nd to the MTC so I should be out of here by then but we'll see, so send it and that would be wonderful :) And yes, I did try that licorice, and it was amazing! I knew I would love it, because we have similar tastes, haha. And I will be keeping this e-mail throughout my entire mission so if people want it they can have it, just remind them that I might not respond by e-mail, it will be handwritten if possible, but i willl do all I can to write back.

Well family, I really enjoyed hearing from you all this week as usual. It was a great week here, I can't believe its been 7 already and I'm beginning my LAST WEEK HERE! It's scary to think about beign in Costa Rica soon because my spanish is no where near where I want it to be, but I know the Lord will lift me up and strengthen me. I haven't received my flight plans yet, but some elders in my district have, the Costa Rican elderes and the Spain elder are still waiting for Visas and flight plans. But mostly likely I should get them today and I will write you if I do. I can only call home in one airport, so if I have a layover in somewhere other than Salt Lake do you want me to call there or at Salt Lake? This question is directed more at mom, but I would just want to know which one you would prefer. Just let me know and I will give you the details of what will be happening and where you should be when I call. Well now I am beginning my 8th week here, and the work doesn't stop, we keep pushing harder and harder, our entire days are filled with spanish and gospel study, our teachers don't even speak english to us anymore it's really amazing the things I can understand. Of course our teachers speak slower for us, but we still understand, what an amazing gift!

We had our usual Tues Devo last night and it was spectacular! I learned so much to help me become a better missionary and better serve the Lord. I have a lot of work but I know I can do it. On Fast sunday, I bore my testimony, I was the first one up because after last month I decided to NEVER EVER miss an opportunity to bear my testimony. So from now on if the spirit directs me I WILL bear my testimony. My testimony went surprisingly well, my spanish just flowed from my mouth and I felt the spirit working through me.

We're saying goodbye to 4 elders tomorrow who are going to the Dominican Republic, then 5 more next tuesday going to Boise and then 4 from my distrito going to Nicaragua. But good news! We are getting a new district today and me and elder Bagley have to introduce them and take them on a tour of MTC as their Zone Leaders. It's hard being a zone leader and having so much responsibility, people don't like to listen to us sometimes when we have to get them in their rooms for bed, but all is going well.

I'm so grateful to be on a mission, honestly I don't want to be anywhere else than where I am now. The rest of my life depends on how I use these next two years, everything will stem off of these moments at the MTC and the rest in Costa Rica, how I choose to obey and how I choose to learn and teach determines EVERYTHING and it's so crucial to be a missionary at this time where the Gospel is needed even more. I'm doing excellent, I almost got sick but drank almost 2 gallons of water a day and washed it all away, so I'm doing better now.

I love you all very much and I want you to know how much I truly appreciate each and every one of you. I printed some pictures of the day I entered the MTC and I look back at that day and see you all and how special you are to me. I also see myself and can't believe how much I've changed, I'm a completely different person. And I hope that you are all doing well, I pray for you everynight as much as I can in my broken spanish and I hope you can feel the Lord's hand in your lives, he's waiting for you to grab hold and he will take you to a height that is unattainable alone. I couldn't do this journey without him, not only my mission, but this life is incredibly hard without him. I encourage each of you to grab a hold, and don't let go. I know its corny but it's something I've definitely come to realize since coming here, I'm nothing without him, I'm nothing without my family, and it's truly a humbling experience.

Never foget how much your loved, and how much influence you are making on me each and everyday, I'm truly inspired because of all of you, you life me up by your love and support, I am who I am thanks to you. I owe everything I could possibly give to the amazing people in my life.

I love you all more than life itself, I pray you will find his hand, and that he can help you as he's helped me.
Stay strong! Don't forget who you are, children of God, that's the greatest lineage we could ask for :)
Love, Elder Falor

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I love you family!

Hola mi querido familia!

How are you all doing this week? How was thanksgiving? I'm sure it was great as always. I love you all so much and I think about each of you daily and am reminded of the great love I have from my family back at home. My thanksgiving in the MTC was interesting but very good. We had a bunch of firesides and meetings, our first Devotional was with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve, It is so amazing to see all these apostles at the MTC that was my 4th apostle since I've been here, and that NEVER happens. The Lord is trying to tell his missionaries something, He is preparing us for His work which is no small task as I've came to find out here. After the Devo we did some humanitarian aid where we as missionaries traced, cut out, sewed together and stocked with school supplies 33,788 backpacks for kids in the US who need school supplies. It was such a special feeling to know that the backpack you were working on would soon bless the life of some child who desperately needed it, and they can be reminded how much the Lord loves them, and that we are aware of them and are doing all we can to help. It was a special day, it was different than any other thanksgiving I've ever had, but it was something special that I will never forget. It makes me want to do humanitarian stuff with the Church when I get older and off my mission.

Mom - Thanks so much for your support with my clothes, it's been a long week but after some dry cleaning and many times through the wash a few of my garments made it through, but I lost 4 shirts, which they will be replacing asap, I bought two extra pairs of garments which hopefullly the laundry facility will reimburse me for. So no worries, all is well. I'm doing great here, I'm learning more and more about myself and each and everyday I shed a little more off of my old self and am being made new in this great work. The Lord has blessed me IMMENSELY this week, my spanish has really picked up, my companion and I went from teaching 5 lessons in spanish to 14 in one week, and I know it's because of the Lord that this has come to pass. My first week as zone leader was a success, It's a lot of pressure, a lot of responsibility but I know that the Lord has great things in store for me, andt his is just another one of those layers that will be taken off sooner or later. I love you more than words can describe :)

Dad - I think about you so much while here at the MTC, you are always on my mind I can see this gospel blessing my life and I know it will bless yours, I think of the struggles we've experienced and the hard times, and I wonder how any of us survived without the Gospel, God truly hears His children's prayers, He answers them. I KNOW that if you call on God, He will reply. I know when you place your burdens on the Savior, He will boost you up and make you strong enough to carry it. I want you to know I have a strong testimony of this Gospel and of OUR Heavenly Father, He's aware of you Dad, He knows you better than you know yourself, and He's waiting anxiously for you to ask Him for help, He's waiting to bless you, He has many blessings in store for you and for our family. I know this, and I've seen the amazing different and impact my life has had since bringing my life closer to my Heavenly Father. I care about you a ton, and I love you, I think about you and talk about you everyday, you inspire me and you have blessed my life so much! I love you, don't forget it.

Also, Mom, I don't know whether or not I have my Visa, odds are it's not yet, but usually they give flight plans before you get your visa, so I should get the plans soon. So this week we said goodbye to another District in our Zone and It was sad, I felt like I was saying goodbye to more family, they (Elder Wixom, Bourgeous, Johnston and McClleland) Became my brothers, It was sad, but I know that they are going to the place where the Lord needs them. I'm gaining so many great friendships here and I am having the time of my life, I honestly wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now (Except, maybe Costa Rica :))

I'm safe I'm blessed and the Lord knows me, don't worry about me when I head to Costa Rica, I know it will be tough to not understand exactly where I am or where I am going but know this, The Lord truly blesses His missionaries, Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:88. God is all around me and he is lifting me and boosting me each and everyday. Please don't worry about me, just know that I am doing His work, serving His children and I will be blessed for it.

I love you family! So much, I know this gospel is true and I love it as well. I thank each and everyone of you for your example and for your love. I know that if we come unto Christ and come unto God we will be blessed. I know that after we have done all we absolutely can do, God will pick up the slack and perfect us a little more each day, until we reach the point where we walk back into His presence and His embrace once again. (2 Nephi 25:23 one of my new favorite scriptures) I shouldn't apologize for sounding like a preacher, because that is what I've been called to do, I've been called to spread this glorious message to the people who DESERVE it, you all deserve it, you deserve to witness God's great love for His children, and you deserve to feel the happiness that I am feeling now. Don't forget you are loved, don't ever forget that you are in my prayers and that every little tender mercy, everything that is meant to make you grow and progress is from God, and depending on how we take it and use if for our benefit will depend on our success in life. I know all this are possible with God, I know I can accomplish miracles with his help, I know once again that this work is true.

Keep up the letters! They mean the world!

I love you tons!
Elder Falor