
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 31

Hello family and friends and anyone else who might be reading this letter,

I say this every week because I really can´t figure out where all this time is going, it flies by, But I love every minute of it. This week was another great one, what do I have to complain about, I am a servant of the Lord and surrounded by His sweet spirit, and I get to have these amazing spiritual experiences. Even if it includes eating really weird food, this week the weird food was horse meat, yummy! It didnt taste that weird, its just the thought of what I am eating.

This week I also completed 7 months in the mission, I cant believe how fast time is going, it frightens me to be honest, I dont want this time to fly by too fast, I feel like I still have so much to learn, so much to do and so much to accomplish, but I know if I work hard, put in every second of my time, I will have achieved all I need to with the Lords help. For my 7 month anniversary we bought a nice pizza, well 2, one for me and one for my comp, it was pretty awesome.

I spent two days on divisions in a town called Siquirres, and I never cease to see the blessings of the Lord, it doesnt matter where I am, He finds me and He blesses me, teaches me and guides me every step of the way, so HIs work can get accomplished. I realized how small we are in this work, and how HE really is in control. We do our part, we do what we can and he makes up the difference. We are working so hard here to help 2 families get baptized, one of them came to church and you could tell a difference in them, they really liked it, and will for sure get baptized one of these weeks.

Its so amazing to see the change in lives of those the gospel touches. Its not a giant change in three seconds, its a slight gradual change, that looking back is a huge change in a life for the better. I realized the Gospel is meant for that, its meant to change us into what our Heavenly Father expects us to be, what He created us to be, He created us for excellence, and excellence and happiness is available in the Gospel of His son Jesus Christ.

This week I thought a lot about how the Lord prepares people, every single one of His children, are being prepared to hear the gospel. Some at different rates. I think the Lord had been preparing me long before my baptism. There were many occasions I felt the spirit in my life, I felt something different and I felt purpose. I believe the Lord prepares us in a very personal and gradual way. I know he is preparing people for me to find here in Costa Rica, I just have to get to work and find them, there are those out there waiting to hear the Gospel, and I might just be the means for them to hear it.

As many of you know, and as I always say, I love my mission, it means everything to me. I understand what Jeffrey R. Holland meant when he literally screamed at the Missionaries in the MTC saying My Mission means the WORLD To me. MY mission, the Mission in Costa Rica, means the world to me. I realized yesterday how important my mission is to me. Sometimes I have my moments of homesickness, my moments of doubt and sadness, I miss my family more than words, but I know I am meant to be here, and there is no where else in Gods plan for me that I am supposed to be. I met an elder who served in the DOminican REpublic but had to come home 7 months early because of a sickness. I really got a sight as I watched this elder talk about his mission, he didnt get to finish it but it meant the world for him, and I could tell that if he cuold he would be back out on the field giving all he has even with his sickness. I thought about what if that happened to me, I wold be devasatated. Absolutely destroyed, dont get me wrong, I love my family and friends and cant wait to see them again, but only on the terms that I get to serve a fully complete two years serving my Lord. But I nkow God has plans for me as well as he has for this elder. We are all just going a long with it, and we have to accept his plan, because HE knows whats better for US than we do.

I love you all. I think about all of you every day, and how grateful I am to have your support, I often reflect on how easy it is to keep going with such great support behind me, know how much I love each and everyone of you. I hope and pray this week will be a great one, you all mean so much to me. Stay strong, Keep the faith and lose the fear, dont let teh fear lead you from your course.

With all my love,
Elder Falor

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