
Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 28

Hello Family and friends,

How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds everyone well and with life moving forward :)

These few days I have had in Guacimo have been great! Its been a challenge for me because I have been in the 2 coldest places in Costa Rica, and now I get the challenge of being in one of the hottest. Its super hot here and 100 percent humidity, so just sitting here doing no more than typing this email and I am sweating like I just ran a marathon. But its beautiful here, as I have told some of you already, there is all sorts of wild life and jungle forrests every where you look. The people are super nice and super humble, I am looking forward to getting to know them and staying here for a while. I can never predict the changes but I have a feeling with such little time in the mission and already 3 different areas, I will stay here at least until September, but we will see. The Lord always has different plans for his children.

This week I have truly felt the influence of the spirit. I always do as a missionary, but this week in particular. In the MTC I made a deal with myself, that from that moment on, I would never miss an opportunity to bear my testimony, and I failed a few times on that deal but this sunday at testimony meeting I couldnt hold back, even though it was my first sunday in the branch and almost no body knew who I was, the spirit PUSHED me out of my chair and up to the stand. I was nervous as always because of my spanish, but the spirit took the reins at the pulpit and the words came spilling out. And before I knew it I was talking about my amazing family and friends and support I have back at home, and I couldnt help but start to cry as I thought of how absolutely lucky I am to have such great support and love even thousands of miles away. I am so thankful to my heavenly father for allowing me this opportunity to be here, sometimes its hard, if not all the time its hard, but EVERYDAY is worth it. Everyday I learn somethign new and something amazing and I feel His love for me every step of the way. So I hope you all know how much you mean to me and how much I love and miss you all with each passing day.

This week we did a lot to get to know the area and the members and the recent converts. I am excited to work in another area and get to know these great people. I am excited to share my testimony with all in hearing range, I love my testimony of this great work. I have absolutely NO doubt, not one single doubt in any piece of docrtine or anything of this gospel. I know its true, I know there is no other. I know there are a TON of churches, but only ONE Church of Jesus Christ. I know Christ lives and He lives to carry our burdens and help us out of the times we cant do it for ourselves. I know the heavens are open with full communication with God through our living Prophet Thomas S. Monson. I love being able to share this knowledge, simple as it may be, it is life changing. The Gospel changes lives to all those who arrive at the Saviors feet. I have learned that he accepts even the tiniest offering to be His disciple. I love beign a missionary, I love my mission with all my heart. THis is an experience I will never take back for the world!

My spanish and my knowledge of the gospel is tried and growing every single day. I see new results and new things to work on. The Lord definitely shows me where I need to work on and then helps me reach my destination.

I hope you know I love you all and I am SO grateful for all you do! I cant wait to talk to you on mothers day! Love you all!
Elder Falor

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