
Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 30

Hello family and friends,

Here we are again, another pday, another monday, and another week gone by, I cant believe how incredibly fast the time in the mission goes, I never thought time would move this fast, part of me is praying for it to slow down.

This week was a great week. Especially because it was a week serving the Lord and doing His will and being totally imersed in His work. Guacimo is doing great, its still super HOT and I am still sweating my face off, even sitting in front of the fan I am dying of heat. This week didnt bring as much rain as I wished it would have, but it was all right. Everyone thinks I am crazy, because I literally pray for rain, and I love the rain, because it really cools things off. I now understand what Alicia felt in Guatemala when she said she loved the rain. Its a super blessing when we get rain, at least for me.

Well family, this week was great, everyday was good, but Sunday was the best. The Branch President asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting about Missionary work, and of course I accepted it. I was excited at first, and had it all planned out, I figured my talk, had it all ready, scriptures and everything planned what to say. As Sunday drew closer I just lost all desire to speak in sacrament, I told my comp I dont want to talk in sacrament, I can hardly speak spanish, and I dont want to make a fool of myself, I dont feel like the members like me either and all that stuff. He just told me to do it and all would work out. I hesitantly gave my talk in sacrament meeting, and everything went PERFECTLY, my spanish wasnt super amazing, but I did prety good if I do say so myself. The spirit was working though me, and I was happy with the feeling of I got the point that Heavenly Father wanted across, I hope I did a good job and made Him proud, I truly felt the spirit as I told the people of Guacimo that missionary work is far more than work just for full time missionaries. It is a job and resposibility of every member of this church. I stood in front of everyone and testified to them of a friend of mine, who was a member, and not a full time missionary, but she opened her mouth, and she shared with me the most important thing in her life, and now its the most important thing in my life. She wasnt ashamed to share the gospel, because she knew how much it would bless her life, and now thanks to her, I am here, I have had amazing experiences, and have amazing experiences every single day because one person decided to share the gospel. So church went really well that day! And at the end of sacrament an institute teacher came up to me and said her students all wrote me letters, telling me how excited they were to have me in the branch, and thanked me for my testimony I shared my first week here.

Heavenly father sure does answer prayers, and not in a simple generic way, but in a way that is specific and precise to all of his childrens needs. He knows me, and He loves me and blesses me every day. I am so grateful to be called a child of GOd and a missionary and messenger of his truth.

I also taught the entire gospel principles class by myself, I stood in awe in front of all these people as i taught them the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is truly an amazing thing we have in our lives, I cant believe how far I have come, before I couldnt even teach 3 seconds in spanish, now a whole hour straight just me. I am truly blessed and so thankful for the opportunity I have to teach this amazing gospel to all who will hear.

So after church we went to a members house and ate cow kidney, it was definitely an experience, it wasnt my favorite, and it was an interesting flavor. But oh just one of the joys of being a missionay!

I was surprised that no one said anything about the earthquake we had this week in CR, we had a 6.0 earthquake in San Jose this week, that was apparently felt all the way here in Guacimo pretty strong. My comp and I didnt feel it, unfortunatley, we were walking at super speed just to get to an appointment. But dont worry, all is well, the entire country was a little shocked and freaked out for a few days, but all is back to normal.

Well my family, as usual my testimony has grown an amazing amount this week as always, I feel closer to my Savior every single day, I know him on a completely personal basis and my friend, savior and brother, I know this is His work, and we are here only as messengers. i know this gospel is true and its meant to change and save lives, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and for all you do for me.

I love you all with all my heart,
Elder Falor

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