
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 40

Hola mi querida familia,

Well here we are again another week has gone by and it was my first week here in San Francisco. Back in the city, I am still getting used to the area and used to being back in a house with four missionaries. The other missionaries names are Elder Garcia, El Salvador and Elder Johnson, from Pleasant Grove Utah. I really like the house, the area, my companion, the investigators and members here in San Francisco. I am hoping and praying that I will stay here for a little longer, to get more adjusted to one area and have more sucess. We are teaching a lot of families and the people here seem to be more humble than those in Guacimo, even though they have a lot more money. We are teaching a family, a young couple, super young, the wife has 15 years and the husband 23, the wife, Brenda seems super chosen and ready to follow and submit everything to the Lord, she has a baptism scheduled for this Saturday at 6 o clock. The husband, Eberth is having a harder time accepting the Gospel, he fears that after his baptism he will only fall again. Thats something we had to teach him a lot, that baptism doesnt make us perfect, we are no where near perfect after baptism, but through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through our covenants we make with him we can become perfect step by step. He has yet to accept our invitation to be baptized, but we are hoping as he sees the example of his wife he will choose to follow through.

We are teaching a lot of families, that has become the focus of the mission. All baptisms are important but President Galvez recognizes that the family is the most important basic unit of this society, and it is only through families, a mother and a father, that we can become eternal, and one day enter into the presence of our Heavenly Father, hand in hand with our most cherished loved ones. We are always on the lookout for families, this narrowing down to only families makes it a lot more difficult, but we know and recognize that this is what the Lord wants, every soul is important to God, and we will never deny anyone who wants to be baptized, but our focus is and always will be the family.. As always there is so much work to do here in San Francisco, I am so excited to see it all come through. I know and believe that we can have sucess here, all we have to do is put out trust in the Lord and always go forward. He makes miracles happen in our lives.

This week was also spent in doing a lot of service, there are some members from the neighbor ward who are building a house and we are helping them do it. I got a big blister on my hand and thought of Grandpa Long, he always wanted me to help him rake leaves and get some blisters on my hands, haha after all this hard work, the raking leaves seems a lot better, haha.

The work always continues on the mission, I intend to work every single second of every single day until the Lord tells me I am done. I know I have been called to serve here in this exact moment in time in this area with this companion. The Lord knows me on a very specific basis. I know that the church is true. After all that happens in life, when the world seems like it will cave in, the truth will always stand. And the truth continues to be found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I know that He is the way, the light and the life, I know Him and thank Him for His infinite atoning sacrifice. His sacrifice touches every living thing, and one day every single person will need to rely on the atoning sacrifice of our Savior. I can´t live without it. I am so thankful for amazing people like you in my life, I hope you know how much each of you means to me. I love you all very much.

Con mucho amor, Elder Falor

Thursday, July 21, 2011

39 Hola desde San Francisco Costa Rica‏

Hola mi querida familia!

How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds you all happy and healthy and enjoying the summer back there in Utah. (or in the US wherever you may be) Thanks once again for all your letters and words of encouragement. As you can tell this letter does not come from Guacimo, I have been transferred from Guacimo to an area that is called San Francisco about 10 minutes out of San Jose, so I am back in the city and not dying of heat, its super hot here as well but not a lot like in Guacimo. My new companions name is Elder Silva and he is from Ecuador, he seems really cool and it looks like we will only be together for 6 weeks because he only has 6 weeks left of his mission, he will end it with me, or as we say in the mission, I will be killing him, haha. The area seems pretty chill, I didnt realize how much I missed the city, its nice to be back and I am excited to get to work here in San Fran.

This week in Guacimo was pretty great, I received the news that I was leaving and at first I was disappointed, I shook my finger and thought how could this happen, I need to stay here in Guacimo, I have so much to do. But then I realized why I had been sent to that area, I had a time and a job to do, I was sent to be in Guacimo for that amount of time and after the Lord needed me in another place. I felt upset becuase I didnt feel as though I completed my task in Guacimo, leaving the area with a big 0 baptisms made me upset, but as we went around visiting members and investigators I realized I had fulfilled my task as a missionary, people told me of the blessings I had brough to their lives, they thanked me for my service and for making a difference in their lives. I felt good knowing that that might have been my purpose in that area and I had completed what I needed to. I know I have many places to stay if I ever go back to Guacimo, those people became like my family.

Now I am here in San Fran and I am so excited to get to work. I love sharing the Gospel, there is nothing else quite like it, its hard and its so easy at the same time. The bad days often come in more abundance than the good but the good ALWAYS outweigh the bad by far. The mission is like that. I love it so much. Each day I grwo more and more love for my Savior Jesus Christ, and He is what makes this sacrifice so easy and so worth it. I love Him and know that He loves me. He blesses me every single day and makes sure that I am aware of that. I know the Lord is constantly at work in our lives and He does everything in His power to bless us, if we are willing to fall at his feel and follow him. I pray that the Lord will always bless you. We know the way to recieve the fullness of the blessings from heaven and its only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know its true as I have said a million times and I will say it 6 million times more, its true. The church continues to be true, God continues to call and talk to His prophets, He continues to know us personally and He continually pours out HIs blessings to His faithful followers. I know that sounds preachy, but I always have to express my love for the Gospel, something that so miraculously changed my life forever, I will never be the same, I owe a zillion thank yous to my Heavnely Father and all the earthly angels who helped me along the way. I love you all with all my heart, I wish you only the best. My prayers and thoghts are occupied by each and everyone of you. You mean so much to me. I hope you know that and never forget it. Well, I think that is about it for this week, as always I will keep you up to date with what is going on down here in good ol Costa Rica. Love you so much!
Elder Falor

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 38

Hello family and friends,
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to hear from you each and every week, I too look forward to Mondays to hear about all thats going on at home and to be able to share my amazing experiences with you. This week was great, still no baptisms, I have come to accept the fact that maybe I am not a baptizing missionary, that I wasnt meant to be an Alma missionary, I am an Abinidi missionary, but I am still working nonetheless. Sometimes the fact that I cant send my family amazing pictures of all these people dressed in white, and I dont have amazing stories of someone being converted and touched by the Holy Ghost, but my mission still means the same to me as a missionary who has 1,000 baptisms. My mission is my sacred experience, and maybe what I want right now, isnt what the Lord wants me to be, He knows what He wants me to be, I have to humbly submit to His will and do the best I can.

This week at church was great, we did a lot of focusing on less active members and strenghtening the branch, we figure if we strengthen the branch it will strengthen the missionary work here. I think often about how I could of done it without the help of members in my ward, it would of been impossible. But I sat reflecting yesterday in church as I saw tons of people arriving to the chapel from all walks of life, some rich some poor, some had to walk 7 kilometers just to get to the chapel, some dont have money to get home, some have arrived with 13 people in one car just so all could arrive and partake of the Sacrament and be taught from on High. It was such a blessing to stand in the doorway of the chapel and see all these faithful saints do all they could just to arrive at church on sunday. I am sure lots of them could of made a list of better things they would rather be doing, but they all arrived any way, and that was an amazing experience.

This week and this change has been a difficult one, but have seen the blessings that come to those who dont lose their faith, and who endure to the end. Sometimes we have to endure to the end of a day, a week, month or changes meeting in the mission. But if we endure it well, the Lord sends down His blessings and lifts and strenghtens us up. I learn more each and everyday about our Heavenly Father, and I am little by little, beginning to understand His love for us, I feel it with each passing day. I know that if I hold out faithful I can be effective in His hands to bring the people to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dont worry family, one day you will receive a bunch of pictures of people dressed in white, I will hold on and work hard until that day arrives. Know i love you a lot, and I miss you with each day. I pray for you and I hope you can recognize the Lords hand in your lives, He knows you and loves you. Dont doubt that. Look for miracles, look for his love, and you will find it. I know this church is true. I know it with all that I am. I know that God lives and I know that Jesus is the Christ. That knowledge makes one foot go after the other in the mission. THats what keeps me going. I love you all with all my heart.

Elder Falor

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 37 Feliz dia de la independencia!

Hello all my family and friends!

HAPPY 4th of JULY! Oh I have so many memories of this day, and it means a lot more to me now that I am not in my own country. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you all, but I know why I am here, and for now Costa Rica is my country and I couldnt be happier. Thanks to all of those who sent letters, I really and sincerely appreciate your letters and all you do for me. Your words mean the world to me, I always look forward to mondays for the opportunity to read about what is going on at home. Ï miss you all a lot, but I know that the job of a missionary is to help others and bless their lives, I know thats why I am here.

This week was great, nothing too exciting or too special happened, but it was a week on my mission that will never come back, so therefore it was super special. We went to San Jose, Elder Kemp, Elder Barton and I, three gringos wakling the streets of San Jose at night, but we have never felt so safe, the Lord was watching over us and protecting us. We made it there and back safely, but unfortunately without residency, so as for now we are still illegal in the country. Oops. But we will be going back to migration again in August or Late July.

We had a zone conference with Presidente Galvez and the Hermana Galvez, it was super great, they are an amazing couple who do so much to help us as missionaries. We are so blessed to be under such great direction. Pres. Galvez is a great man and a huge example for me. He has helped me beyond words to continue forth on this journey. I learned a lot from him abuot how we can help our investigators here in Guacimo. GUacimo is a bit difficult on the baptism side but we are continually pushing forward, continually doing our best to bring others to the happiness that we were sent here to bring.

I have learned a lot this week and especially this change, I learned patience with myself and others. The Lord blesses those who endure trials patiently and never losing faith. Its super difficult to do so, but the Lord promises that if we do He will bless us and support us to get through our trials. He promised that no trial will be more than we can bear. I love my mission as I always say. Its changing me and my life. I learn more every single day about the people I am serving, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and how to be more effective instrument in the hands of my Heavenly Father. We are continually pushing forward, always going forward and never looking back, thats what its all about. I know this gospel is true. I know there is no other way by which salvation comes, only through Jesus Christ, and His life saving, life changing gospel that we have here restored upon the earth. I love the message that I am so priveledged to carry. I love you all with all my heart, and I pray the Lord will lift you and strengthen you in all you do.
Stay strong. Keep the faith and lose the fear.
Elder Falor