
Friday, June 4, 2010

10 Songs that Changed my Life!

1. Bigger Than Love - My Favorite Highway
- This song pulled me out of some deep spots, and helped me through the roughest trial of my life I have ever had to endure. My choices in life led me down a dark and scary path, and with the help of a few things and this song I was off that path and on a new one, where I am now. This song helped me realize that nothing. NOTHING. Is bigger than love. Love trumps all. And when we realize that, loving and being loved is a lot easier.

2. I Will Rest in You - Mindy Gledhill
- When my friends were trying to slowly tilt my stubborn attitude towards the Church this song was one that stuck out to me. And it was one that eventually led me to my baptism. This song will always be remembered by me cause I found it amazing that my Heavenly Father provides a place for me to be safe, and to rest. And even after my dark and scary road, he knows how many hairs are on my head. He never forgot me, he didn't lose sight of me, he was always there.

3. September - Daughtry
- Kolby, Maddy, Cydne, and Garrett. The most INSEPARABLE group of four people you could ever meet. We were the best of friends. And one day Cydne decided to step out of that situation and choose another that led her to her dark and scary path *which she is still on BTW* and this song really represented life after high school. We knew we had to leave this town, and after all our memories, spend by the pool, summers never looking the same, and all our changes, people move on, they change, they make wrong choices, they come back and some never do. But in the end we have the memories, and they make the whole journey worth it. No matter the path we each find in life, we should cherish our memories for what they are.

4. Time & Confusion - Anberlin
- 2 words. Bill Betz. The man who changed my life along with 49 other kids. This song is another memory song of my Sophomore year in swimming. Bill taught us that we can do anything we put our minds to. Nothing is insurmountable. Even when Bill had to go and we all couldn't be together all the time like we would have hoped, life moved on. But his teachings his mottos and his words of inspiration stuck and gave us hope for our futures and the shaping of us into great human beings.

5. Brat Pack - The Rocket Summer
- Oh the Brat Pack. We were definitely one, this song gave me hope in friendships. That no matter the number or who's involved in it. There IS a Brat Pack, and my Brat Pack was always there to turn to, even when i went through my crazy non-conformist, skinny jean, looong black hair stage.

6. Never Knew - The Rocket Summer
- Sometimes, you think you know people. And you realize you never do. You never know the secret hardships that person has gone through. You never know the dark secrets they keep tucked in tightly under their bed. You have this mind set that things are perfect and shiny and golden. But you find out you don't know someone or something, and you realize how small and insignificant you really are in the whole scheme of things. You think you have everything "oh so figured out". This song helped me realize where I was in the "Scheme of things".

7. Called To Serve - MoTab Choir
- This song I first heard when tons of missionaries and their families sang it together at the MTC in April 2009. And it struck me so deep and it made me realize the importance of a mission and what we are called to do as God's children. The words and the way we sang it was so triumphant. It's a great song, my absolute favorite.

8. Greatest Story Ever Told - Oliver James
- This song goes out to my future wife whoever she may be. This song changed my life because it gave importance to the special someone that everyone hopefully has in their lives. I want my wife to be all my hopes and dreams, and I want our story to be the greatest ever told.

9. Miracle - Paramore
- This song has to be on here for a couple reasons 1. it's PARAMORE! duh and 2. it's a really great song, with a really great meaning. It means to me that miracles happen. We shouldn't give up on miracles and things that can change us for the better. Don't walk away and don't give up because for too long people live their lives running away from something that could change them. Which is what I did for a very long time.

10. I Didn't Know My Own Strenghth - Whitney Houston (Ha, this one's a keeper)
- Haha I had to put this one on because it had an awesome meaning, and it put so much perspective on an aspect of my life that I went through where I thought I was down and I was out. But I didn't realize, (especially now looking back) at the amount of strength I portrayed, I got back on my feet, I faced those who knew my secret and I challenged the opposition for the light in my life. I did tumble, for a long time, but I didn't crumble. And I'm proud to say that. I didn't know my own strength.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I admit it, I'm a blog stalker. *cringe* But I had to comment and say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your number two song. I Will Rest In You is my I'm-going-crazy-and-need-to-escape-from-the-world song. I love the message and the truth that it shares.
