
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week 56

Hola mi querida familia, How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds everyone happy and healthy and feeling the Christmas spirit! I bet the snow makes it a little more like Christmas here. Here the Ticos have began putting up Christmas decorations, my comp always says that the ticos are trunky because they are thinking about Christmas in October and November, haha. Its a cool think to walk around and see all the lights and decorations, I dont remember them as much from last year, maybe because I was so new and so scared, haha. This week here for us in San Fran was all right. We were a bit frustrated to find out that not even one investigator came to church and the attendance was really low. We are doing all we can and sometimes we have days like that, but we know that if we do all we can the Lord will make us effective in His hands. We are planning a fun activity to do with the ward to get them active and to get them thinking, studying and praying. Here in the Mission, President Galvez has made a focus on enduring to the end and 3 basic things we can do to Endure to the End, its called "El Plan Noe" Noe is Noah in Spanish and each letter has a meaning, the N is Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening) O is oracion familiar (family prayer) and E is estudio de las escrituras (study of the scriptures), we have been able to focus on those things and the general authorities of Central America have testitfied that if we do these three things we are enduring and receiving more guidance from the spirit and able to improve every single day. That is our plan this week and we feel it will help a lot. We are looking forward to another baptism this Friday the 18th. His name is Eberth, I dont know if you all remember Brenda, my first baptism here, well he is her husband and has decided to get baptized and asked me to perform the ordinance, we are happy to see the progress here, and happy to see that all the recent converts are really strong in the church! We are satisfied with our work, but recognize that there is ALWAYS more to do. Hermana Galvez said one time that sometimes her and Presidente ask a lot from us, but she promised us she was never going to stop asking for more, because we are missionaries and capable of giving more, and always going forward. We are excited for this last week to give all our efforts and to see a family enter the waters of baptism. Next week is changes and we will see what they bring. I hope this week brings many blessings, health and happiness, remember I love you all with all my heart. Hasta pronto, con mucho amor, Elder Falor

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