
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week 54 TRUE CHURCH!!!

Hello Family and Friends, This week has been splendid. We had the wedding and baptism on Saturday the 29th, it was such a spiritual experience, and I was surprised how well it went for us. We got a lot of support from our members and they even got together to buy a cake and our cook and her family made Arroz con Pollo (rice with chicken, its what they eat here). I was blessed to get the opportunity to baptize Mario, in my entire mission it was the 2nd person I personally baptized, I was a little worried about it all, because the last time was the 15th of January, but all went super well! I was so happy to see another family find their way onto the true path back to the presence of our Heavenly Father. I felt even more happy to know that I had played somewhat of a part in it all. I was truly amazed at the spirit that was present with us, I knew that what they were doing was right, I knew that they were on the right path, enduring to the end to reach the goal we are all trying to reach. I have waited the entire first year of my mission for that day, it was exactly as I had hoped, and I thank the Lord for blessing us so much to let everything go so well. We sacrificed alot to see this happen, but the sacrifices dont look like sacrifices, I was just happy to see it happen and to know that the future of this beautiful family will be so different. The Lord has blessed us in amazing ways, we are looking forward to another baptism of Carlos (20 years old) on the 5th of November. We are happy to see a difference here in the ward, and we truly feel effective in the Lord's hands. Its been a great experience and I have learned a lot. I have learned that the Lord really blesses us in our trials and He tests our patience to see if we will hold strong in our faith in Him. I have seen so many miracles and I just have one statement from that. The Church HAS to be true. I can't even begin to mention the things that have given me that testimony. But I have seen and felt enough things to say it with absolute surety. Its true. Everything we teach everything we do, to the world may seem strange, but its true. I have such a strong testimony in the power of the Gospel in our lives, if we let it in and go with it 100 percent we will see many miracles. Many people ask me if as a convert this whole process was hard. I cant lie and I have to say it was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I honestly wouldnt trade it for ANYTHING! It has to be hard, we have to have problems and trials of our faith to be worthy of living in our Heavenly Father's presence. I wish all of you could experience what I am experiencing on my mission, its life changing. I hope this week treats you all well and you can all find the happiness you deserve. Remember how much I love you. Each and every person reading this letter means the world to me. Keep the faith and lose the fear. Con amor, Elder Falor

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