
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 45 more changes.‏

Hello Family and Friends,

This week has been a good week here in Costa Rica. It was spent saying goodbye to all the people my companion wanted to visit. He was and is a great missionary, I learned so much from him and honestly it was hard to see him go. He became another brother to me and he is a huge example to me. Today we went to changes meeting and heard the final testimonies of a lot of missionaries who have changed my mission, my old companion Elder Hernandez, my old District Leader Elder Ampuero and my companion Elder Silva, all have marked my life and my mission. The mission continues here in San Francisco, me with a new companion Elder Centeno from El Salvador, he is a super nice person and a great missionary, we are looking forward to having success and help here in the work of the Lord. WHatever happens I am determined to keep my head up and my attitude positive. The changes meeting was great, all the elders who were having a birthday in September recieved a bag of candy and the entire mission sang Happy Birthday to us. It was super cool.

This week in church Javier came back to church, this time with a shirt and tie, he is progressing fast towards baptism, we are going to try and put a baptismal date with him this week, we will see how that goes. We are on the lookout for more families, and hoping for a family of 4 who are a super amazing family they have many challenges and many desires to follow the savior. THey have a religion that they have only followed because of tradition but feel confused about it and are beginning to question it, we have told them to pray and ask the Lord about our message, every meeting we get one tiny baby step toward baptism, we are putting in all our strength and efforts to help them receive this amazing blessing.

I have been thinking a lot lately and one thing I have learned in the mission is this, that the Lord knows us. I have grown such a stronger love for my Heavenly Father, I know how much he knows me, and he blesses me. I realized how hard at work he is in our lives and how much of our daily lives arent only happenstance, every part of our lives is a part in the plan of God. I have learned the Lords tests and have tried my best to overcome them, I know with his help I can accomplish great things. I know the Lord places specific obstacles in our way here on our life journey, its all on the path to perfection. If we support it well, we will receive the greatest blessing God has for us, living in His presence forever with our families. I know this is true and I have not one doubt in my mind. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, I know that the work here on the mission is divine and it goes far beyond our time on earth. I know God lives, I know He loves us, and blesses us. If we remember every challenge and trial comes from him, we may have more faith and more determination to endure to the end and recieve the blessings he has for us.

Family and friends, I love you all with all my heart, you are always in my thoughts and my prayers, I hope this week brings some of the worlds greatest blessings to you. I love you with all my heart. Love,
Elder Falor


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