
Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 41 y el bautismo de Brenda Rodriguez‏

Hello Family,

Another week has past and here we are again, thanks again for all your letters, I look so forward to things that are going on back home. This week in San Fran was spectacular. On Saturday we had a baptism. Brenda Rodriguez was baptized by the Bishop at 3 pm in San Francisco. I was so happy to see another baptism, because it was another one of Heavenly Fathers children who found their way back to the path. I knew and felt Heavenly Father´s smile at the baptismal service. Its an amazing thing that baptism can do to a person, it changes them emotionally, spiritually and even physically they look different. I loved seeing Brenda enter into her first set of amazing sacred covenants with her Heavenly Father, I sat content and happy knowing of the blessings that lie ahead for her. Each journey to baptism is different, Brenda had her share of rollercoaster moments, but made it into the waters of baptism on Saturday. Watching her get baptized gave me the necessary strength I need to move forward. We set high goals for the month of August and are always doing everything in our power to accomplish them. I hope that I can be more effective in the Lords hands and see more of His children enter into these covenants. Brenda is an amazing person and an example that the Lord is really preparing people to hear the gospel, she was one of the chosen people that we as missionaries are searching for.

As the Lord helps me to help and refine the lives of the people I am teaching, I find that He is refining my life. I realized that the people I am teaching also teach me. I learn something new from every person I come in contact with and each day is filled with remarkable growth and change. I love being on the service of the Lord. Its the most difficult and most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I know that what I am doing is more than knocking doors and teaching lessons, this work is meant to last longer than our time here on earth. If people chose to accept our message there is millions of blessings available to the faithful followers of Christ. I know this church is true. I dont have a single doubt about it. I know that I have been called of God, I know that my calling came from Him through a prophet to be here in this specific place at this specific time speaking this specific language. The Lord knows and blesses each and every one of us. I am so grateful for this opportunity and so grateful for all the people backing me up back at home. Sorry this letter is a little shorter, I will try to write more next week. Remember I love you all very much, stay strong, keep the faith and LOSE the fear.

Con amor,
Elder Falor

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