
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 37 Feliz dia de la independencia!

Hello all my family and friends!

HAPPY 4th of JULY! Oh I have so many memories of this day, and it means a lot more to me now that I am not in my own country. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you all, but I know why I am here, and for now Costa Rica is my country and I couldnt be happier. Thanks to all of those who sent letters, I really and sincerely appreciate your letters and all you do for me. Your words mean the world to me, I always look forward to mondays for the opportunity to read about what is going on at home. Ï miss you all a lot, but I know that the job of a missionary is to help others and bless their lives, I know thats why I am here.

This week was great, nothing too exciting or too special happened, but it was a week on my mission that will never come back, so therefore it was super special. We went to San Jose, Elder Kemp, Elder Barton and I, three gringos wakling the streets of San Jose at night, but we have never felt so safe, the Lord was watching over us and protecting us. We made it there and back safely, but unfortunately without residency, so as for now we are still illegal in the country. Oops. But we will be going back to migration again in August or Late July.

We had a zone conference with Presidente Galvez and the Hermana Galvez, it was super great, they are an amazing couple who do so much to help us as missionaries. We are so blessed to be under such great direction. Pres. Galvez is a great man and a huge example for me. He has helped me beyond words to continue forth on this journey. I learned a lot from him abuot how we can help our investigators here in Guacimo. GUacimo is a bit difficult on the baptism side but we are continually pushing forward, continually doing our best to bring others to the happiness that we were sent here to bring.

I have learned a lot this week and especially this change, I learned patience with myself and others. The Lord blesses those who endure trials patiently and never losing faith. Its super difficult to do so, but the Lord promises that if we do He will bless us and support us to get through our trials. He promised that no trial will be more than we can bear. I love my mission as I always say. Its changing me and my life. I learn more every single day about the people I am serving, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and how to be more effective instrument in the hands of my Heavenly Father. We are continually pushing forward, always going forward and never looking back, thats what its all about. I know this gospel is true. I know there is no other way by which salvation comes, only through Jesus Christ, and His life saving, life changing gospel that we have here restored upon the earth. I love the message that I am so priveledged to carry. I love you all with all my heart, and I pray the Lord will lift you and strengthen you in all you do.
Stay strong. Keep the faith and lose the fear.
Elder Falor

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