
Thursday, July 21, 2011

39 Hola desde San Francisco Costa Rica‏

Hola mi querida familia!

How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds you all happy and healthy and enjoying the summer back there in Utah. (or in the US wherever you may be) Thanks once again for all your letters and words of encouragement. As you can tell this letter does not come from Guacimo, I have been transferred from Guacimo to an area that is called San Francisco about 10 minutes out of San Jose, so I am back in the city and not dying of heat, its super hot here as well but not a lot like in Guacimo. My new companions name is Elder Silva and he is from Ecuador, he seems really cool and it looks like we will only be together for 6 weeks because he only has 6 weeks left of his mission, he will end it with me, or as we say in the mission, I will be killing him, haha. The area seems pretty chill, I didnt realize how much I missed the city, its nice to be back and I am excited to get to work here in San Fran.

This week in Guacimo was pretty great, I received the news that I was leaving and at first I was disappointed, I shook my finger and thought how could this happen, I need to stay here in Guacimo, I have so much to do. But then I realized why I had been sent to that area, I had a time and a job to do, I was sent to be in Guacimo for that amount of time and after the Lord needed me in another place. I felt upset becuase I didnt feel as though I completed my task in Guacimo, leaving the area with a big 0 baptisms made me upset, but as we went around visiting members and investigators I realized I had fulfilled my task as a missionary, people told me of the blessings I had brough to their lives, they thanked me for my service and for making a difference in their lives. I felt good knowing that that might have been my purpose in that area and I had completed what I needed to. I know I have many places to stay if I ever go back to Guacimo, those people became like my family.

Now I am here in San Fran and I am so excited to get to work. I love sharing the Gospel, there is nothing else quite like it, its hard and its so easy at the same time. The bad days often come in more abundance than the good but the good ALWAYS outweigh the bad by far. The mission is like that. I love it so much. Each day I grwo more and more love for my Savior Jesus Christ, and He is what makes this sacrifice so easy and so worth it. I love Him and know that He loves me. He blesses me every single day and makes sure that I am aware of that. I know the Lord is constantly at work in our lives and He does everything in His power to bless us, if we are willing to fall at his feel and follow him. I pray that the Lord will always bless you. We know the way to recieve the fullness of the blessings from heaven and its only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know its true as I have said a million times and I will say it 6 million times more, its true. The church continues to be true, God continues to call and talk to His prophets, He continues to know us personally and He continually pours out HIs blessings to His faithful followers. I know that sounds preachy, but I always have to express my love for the Gospel, something that so miraculously changed my life forever, I will never be the same, I owe a zillion thank yous to my Heavnely Father and all the earthly angels who helped me along the way. I love you all with all my heart, I wish you only the best. My prayers and thoghts are occupied by each and everyone of you. You mean so much to me. I hope you know that and never forget it. Well, I think that is about it for this week, as always I will keep you up to date with what is going on down here in good ol Costa Rica. Love you so much!
Elder Falor

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