
Sunday, July 14, 2013


John F. Kennedy said:

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”

Over the past 8 months I've had a lot of time to be all by myself. In those moments of complete solidarity I reflect a lot on the amazing people in my life. Those are the people who make it so I am never truly alone in this life. This post is just to express my gratitude to them.

First and foremost, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. I am grateful that I have a loving Heavenly Father and I am grateful for His love each and every day of my life. I am grateful that He is perfect, because it gives me something to strive for, it makes me realize and understand His expectations of me, and my future potential. I am grateful that His hands are continually stretched towards me. I have made many mistakes in my life, mistakes that could, if not taken care of, distance me from my Father in Heaven, but it is comforting to know that He stands willing to take me back time and time again. Someone once said that He is proud of even our smallest attempts to be better in our lives. I think about how often I have made mistakes and how often I have let him down, but every little moment that I decide to follow Him and put a part of my life in harmony with how He would have me live. I think about some people in my life who have made mistake after mistake and who have treated me badly, stabbed me in the back or even betrayed me and how I would have acted if they had come crawling back. I'd have to say that I probably wouldn't let them back in. But Heavenly Father always lets us back in, He can and does because He is perfect, He has an understanding that we have yet to comprehend. He has an ability to accept and love all of His children despite their circumstances and mistakes. I am thankful that He allowed me to be on this earth, at this time, experiencing all that I can from life. Strangely, I am thankful that He allows me to suffer, that He allows me to go through trials so that I can become a better person. I am grateful for all that I have gone through knowing that He is by my side, and I look forward to further trials, errors, mistakes, heartbreaks, and hardships in life, as long as it is by His side.

I am grateful to personally know a man that I call my "Savior". I am grateful for an older brother who paid the price for my many sins and mistakes. I am thankful that He willingly gave up his life to save mine, along with the billions and billions of other souls He saved. I hope to one day be like Him, and I hope that one day I can be capable of loving as He loves all of us. I hope to one day develop many of his amazing attributes that make him the King of Kings and the most amazing human who has ever lived. I am grateful for the comfort I get when I realize that he has felt all of what I feel, I draw on him in every moment of my life when I need consolation and peace. He is the source of all my happiness in this life, and He is the reason I can hhave happiness for the rest of eternity. For that, I am eternally grateful for Jesus Christ.

I am thankful that I was sent here to a wonderful and loving family. My family, although not perfect, is perfect to me. While we have our issues, our problems and our many imperfections, it's amazing to me how much love there is in my family. I have countless memories with all my siblings and I am so grateful for each and everyone of them and their support.

Needless to say I'm grateful for the beautiful little humans that my siblings make. I am grateful to be an uncle, it's one of my favorite titles that I've ever held. I love these little kids more than life itself and they are all so amazing to me.

Grateful cannot begin to describe how I feel about the amazing woman that I call my mother. There is none other like her. She is truly unique in her ability to love others and show them that love. I can't begin to express my gratitude for her patience and love that she has shown me over the past 22 almost 23 years. She has always been my biggest fan, she has sat through every soccer game, every dance competition and every swim meet for everyone of her children and she never missed an opportunity to tell us that we are loved. She has been the biggest defense I have had in my life, always willing and ready to walk through fire for her children and to do whatever it took for her family. She has taught me to understand other people and their point of view. I remember many times coming home so angry at someone for something they had done, or for how I had interpreted it. While it would have been easy for her to take my side in every situation, often times she invited me to see it how they may have meant it or saw it. I won't lie and say that in the moment I just wanted her to take my side, but now looking back I see how humble that was to see from someone else's point-of-view and to understand where they may be coming from. She taught me to always be kind, but to enjoy life and to not live constrained by self-doubt, and insecurity. I am grateful to this day that I get a text or a phone call from her everyday, making sure that I know she is there for me. She truly is an angel sent here on this earth and anyone who is blessed to be in her presence can feel how special she is. She is the reason I am who I am today and I am forever in debt for her and all her goodness to me over the years.

I am grateful for a woman who entered my life 8 years ago and has left a lasting impression on it. Her name is Maddison. I am grateful for her and her Christlike attitude. She has always supported me and stood by me even through life's toughest storms. She's had my back since day one and I've always had hers. She is the one who completes my sentences, knows exactly what's on my mind, and knows exactly what to do or say to make me smile. She's the woman with the most beautiful soul on this whole planet earth, she has a way about loving others that is incredible. She is loving and kind in all she does, and for that I am eternally grateful. I am grateful for her influence which led me to eventually join the church, and for her encouragement to serve a full-time mission. Because of her, I have had some of the most amazing experiences and made the most beautiful memories. I can't wait to make more with her.

I am grateful to have served a full-time mission. Just as grateful I am to have served one, I am grateful for where I was called to serve. I may be biased (although I don't think so), but Costa Rica has to be the most beautiful country on the planet. Every time I get the chance to talk about the amazing people, the amazing countryside and sights in that beautiful country, a smile can't help but run across my face. I was so blessed to have served in such an amazing country where there is beauty all around. Estoy sumamente agradecido por la oportunidad que tuve de conocer a los Ticos. Son una gente maravillosa y orgullosa de su hermoso pais, y con razón, es un lugar donde realmente se siente el poder de Dios, y donde se siente que tan cerca estamos a la presencia del Señor. Estoy agradecido por todas las familias a las que pude conocer en dos años en Costa Rica, por todas las mujeres que tomaron el lugar de madre por mi, que me cuidaron, me dieron de comer y me ayudaron en momentos dificiles. Estoy agradecido por los hombres que ejercieron su Sacerdocio a la par de los misioneros para bendecir a la gente de su país. Siempre los agradeceré, siempre los amaré. Espero anhelosamente la oportunidad de regresar a mi noble patria Costa Rica! Los AMO! Soy Tico! PURA VIDA! 

I am grateful for all of my amazing friends, those who have stuck by my side all these years, although there may be few. And all those that I have met recently. I am grateful for the memories we have made. For the late-night talks on the trampoline, for the crazy videos that we made, for the random trips to Wendy's and for all the grape soda we drank and always regretted. I am thankful for the trips to San Diego and Hawaii, they will forever have a lasting memory in my heart. I am thankful for the many laughs we have shared and for many of the spiritual moments we have encountered together. I am grateful there are people I can count on to run through an outdoor mall late at night only to run from the cops and leave one behind. I am thankful for your spontaneity and for the ability you have to make every situation an enjoyable one. I am grateful to have people to make late night taco runs to Del Taco after a hardcore dance party. I am grateful for you people and for all your crazy antics.

So this may seem like a random post. But I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and humility for the ability I have to be in the presence of people so amazing. As I think about the people in my life, I regain a hope in humanity and my testimony that God lives is strengthened. I know that God has placed you people on my path and for that I am so grateful, you have all made a meaningful difference in my life and although time and distance between us may grow greater and greater over the years, the memories we have made, the lessons you have taught me and everything in between will follow me forever.

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