
Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 29

Hello Family and friends!

Pura Vida!! I am so happy that I was able to talk to you all yesterday, that really gave me a boost, and I am so happy to know that I have such great support back home.. You all mean the world to me, and I coudlnt do this without all your support. The mission is one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life, but the most rewarding, I loved being able to share just a glimpse a 1000th part of what I am doing here, I absolutely love my mission, it means EVERYTHING to me. As I told you yesterday and many times before, Its changing me, shaping me into something better every single day, its the greatest thing that I cannot explain, but its the way the gospel works in our lives. The gospel is meant to change lives and bring them in harmony with that of the Savior. I know that the Gospel is true becasue its shaping me, each and every day into a better person, a better messenger of the truth, and a better lifelong disciple of the Savior Jesus Christ.

There is nothing more rewarding in this work than teaching, I get the chance to bear my testimony and tell the people here of all that I know with such a firm conviction. There is nothing more powerful than seeing the change in the gospel in the lives of these people. I know the Lord prepares people to hear this message and he has prepared a lot of people for us to teach. I have said it before but I cant emphasize it enough how amazing it feel when I have the opportunity to teach. Some days I will just feel out of touch or something is wrong and I find its the days we havent been able to teach, I am seriously happiest when I get to share the amazing news of the gospel.

This week was great, we cleaned the house like madmen because Pres and Hermana Galvez came to inspect every house in the mission and do interviews. My interview with President was great, he is an amazing man and is doing everything in his power to magnify his calling, he is a wonderful example of a priesthood holder and I respect him so much for all he and his wife do for the mission. After the interview Hermana Galvez interviewed us and then wrote letters to our mothers, she asked me what I wanted my mother to know and all I could say was that I am happpy, that I am happier than I have ever been, I love that I am here, doing what I am doing. BUt we´ll see what she says, haha. Its in spanish mom, so Alicia will have to translate.

This week we are working alot trying to help a family get baptized. The Husband, Freddy is a member, who went inactive after serving a mission in Guatemala, his wife Yorleny is super Evangelical but super nice sweet lady, and they have a daughter named Fabianna and a son named Derrick. We have been working a lot with them to help them see the blessings of living the gospel and more importantly the word of wisdom. We are hoping to help them come to church and to find that this is the way, that this gospel is true and help them get baptized. They are great, I really love getting to know the people here and getting so attached to them, I have friends all over the country now :)

Well Family, not much else happened this week, I am doing great! I am learning more every day and loving it more and more each day. I am so thankful for alll of you and know that I am in the fright place doing the right thing. IO love this gospel, and I KNOW Its true with all of my heart! I love you all! I hope this week is a great one, until next week!!

Con amor,
Elder Falor

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