
Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 32

Hello family and friends,

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your letters of love and support that I receive every week. Its been great to hear about whats going on and to get a little something from all of you. I think of you all daily and give thanks to my Heavenly Father for having such amazing people back home. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life.

This week was a good week here in Guacimo. It feels like this change flew by, I remember getting off the bus here and thinking, with this heat, time is never going to pass, but it did, here we are almost 6 weeks later. Next week is changes, I am almost positive I will still be in Guacimo, but one can never predict the changes. This week was good though because officially the rainy season has started! WOO HOO! We have had some CRAZY storms, with thunder so loud it shakes the earth and knocks the power out for quite some time. Our neighbors got a new puppy and I encouraged them to name it Kolby, so that is something cool that happened this week. We are always working with our investigators and finding and teaching. I love being a missionary, and getting the amazing opportunity to share my testimony, I never get bored with sharing the gospel, I leave every lesson learning something new, that way we are all growing closer to the savior, which is what our purpose is to do. Some times the people dont accept the gospel, and sometimes Gods will is in the contrary with what we want as missionaries, adn we have to learn to accept it.

I learned that lesson this week. We have been working really hard to get this family baptized, their names are Yorleny, Fabiana, and Fredy. We have literally done everything for them to get them baptized on their date that was set on the 28. We thought of every possible idea, we brought my peppermint oil to put on her cigarettes to get her to stop smoking, we have had some of the most spiritual lessons, they have all recieved a special witness of the truth through the Holy Ghost and they know what they want and they want an Eternal Family. We fasted and prayed to know their needs and we do all we can. And often times, God needs us as missionaries to learn a lesson, that even though things might not always work out, we still need to put in 310 percent of our efforts. His will may differ from ours in many situations, and we have to learn to accept it. Yorleny and Fabiana decided they didnt want to get baptized the 28th of May. Honestly, we were devastated, but humbled because we knew that God had His work in His hands and He is ever in control. We just have to go along with it, accept it, and keep working towards our goal. I know God has plans for us, greater than us. He has blessings set aside for those who choose to follow Him through His gospel, we are simply messengers of the truth and instruments in His work.

That was a hard lesson for me to learn, I get frustrated with the fact that I dont have very many people that I have brought to the waters of baptism. I am taking the advice I received from an exmissionary here in Guacimo, she told me she didnt have very many baptisms either, but she said her goal as a missionary was to always be like the Book of Mormon prophet Abinidi, who taught all he could with all of his strength and at the end of his service and his life, only one person was recorded of hearing his words and following them, Alma heard and followed the warnings of Abinidi and eventually baptized thousands in the Book of Mormon. THat really humbled me, I may not be a missionary who leaves the field with 76,000 baptisms, but I can rest assured knowing I am planting the seeds, I am doing all I can in the great scheme of things, and God will take care of the rest. Maybe God didnt intend on me having so many baptisms, He knows what I can be, and He knows what He wants me to be, I just have to go along with it.

I am doing great here in the mission, we are always putting forth our best effort, and trying to improve daily. There is nothing quite like beign a missionary, its something I cant explain, its not a walk through the flowers, but its the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my entire life. I love it.

Well this week was a good one, and thanks to you all for writing me and taking the time to have me in your thoughts and prayers, you are always in mine, I love you lots!
until next week!
Elder Falor

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 31

Hello family and friends and anyone else who might be reading this letter,

I say this every week because I really can´t figure out where all this time is going, it flies by, But I love every minute of it. This week was another great one, what do I have to complain about, I am a servant of the Lord and surrounded by His sweet spirit, and I get to have these amazing spiritual experiences. Even if it includes eating really weird food, this week the weird food was horse meat, yummy! It didnt taste that weird, its just the thought of what I am eating.

This week I also completed 7 months in the mission, I cant believe how fast time is going, it frightens me to be honest, I dont want this time to fly by too fast, I feel like I still have so much to learn, so much to do and so much to accomplish, but I know if I work hard, put in every second of my time, I will have achieved all I need to with the Lords help. For my 7 month anniversary we bought a nice pizza, well 2, one for me and one for my comp, it was pretty awesome.

I spent two days on divisions in a town called Siquirres, and I never cease to see the blessings of the Lord, it doesnt matter where I am, He finds me and He blesses me, teaches me and guides me every step of the way, so HIs work can get accomplished. I realized how small we are in this work, and how HE really is in control. We do our part, we do what we can and he makes up the difference. We are working so hard here to help 2 families get baptized, one of them came to church and you could tell a difference in them, they really liked it, and will for sure get baptized one of these weeks.

Its so amazing to see the change in lives of those the gospel touches. Its not a giant change in three seconds, its a slight gradual change, that looking back is a huge change in a life for the better. I realized the Gospel is meant for that, its meant to change us into what our Heavenly Father expects us to be, what He created us to be, He created us for excellence, and excellence and happiness is available in the Gospel of His son Jesus Christ.

This week I thought a lot about how the Lord prepares people, every single one of His children, are being prepared to hear the gospel. Some at different rates. I think the Lord had been preparing me long before my baptism. There were many occasions I felt the spirit in my life, I felt something different and I felt purpose. I believe the Lord prepares us in a very personal and gradual way. I know he is preparing people for me to find here in Costa Rica, I just have to get to work and find them, there are those out there waiting to hear the Gospel, and I might just be the means for them to hear it.

As many of you know, and as I always say, I love my mission, it means everything to me. I understand what Jeffrey R. Holland meant when he literally screamed at the Missionaries in the MTC saying My Mission means the WORLD To me. MY mission, the Mission in Costa Rica, means the world to me. I realized yesterday how important my mission is to me. Sometimes I have my moments of homesickness, my moments of doubt and sadness, I miss my family more than words, but I know I am meant to be here, and there is no where else in Gods plan for me that I am supposed to be. I met an elder who served in the DOminican REpublic but had to come home 7 months early because of a sickness. I really got a sight as I watched this elder talk about his mission, he didnt get to finish it but it meant the world for him, and I could tell that if he cuold he would be back out on the field giving all he has even with his sickness. I thought about what if that happened to me, I wold be devasatated. Absolutely destroyed, dont get me wrong, I love my family and friends and cant wait to see them again, but only on the terms that I get to serve a fully complete two years serving my Lord. But I nkow God has plans for me as well as he has for this elder. We are all just going a long with it, and we have to accept his plan, because HE knows whats better for US than we do.

I love you all. I think about all of you every day, and how grateful I am to have your support, I often reflect on how easy it is to keep going with such great support behind me, know how much I love each and everyone of you. I hope and pray this week will be a great one, you all mean so much to me. Stay strong, Keep the faith and lose the fear, dont let teh fear lead you from your course.

With all my love,
Elder Falor

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 30

Hello family and friends,

Here we are again, another pday, another monday, and another week gone by, I cant believe how incredibly fast the time in the mission goes, I never thought time would move this fast, part of me is praying for it to slow down.

This week was a great week. Especially because it was a week serving the Lord and doing His will and being totally imersed in His work. Guacimo is doing great, its still super HOT and I am still sweating my face off, even sitting in front of the fan I am dying of heat. This week didnt bring as much rain as I wished it would have, but it was all right. Everyone thinks I am crazy, because I literally pray for rain, and I love the rain, because it really cools things off. I now understand what Alicia felt in Guatemala when she said she loved the rain. Its a super blessing when we get rain, at least for me.

Well family, this week was great, everyday was good, but Sunday was the best. The Branch President asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting about Missionary work, and of course I accepted it. I was excited at first, and had it all planned out, I figured my talk, had it all ready, scriptures and everything planned what to say. As Sunday drew closer I just lost all desire to speak in sacrament, I told my comp I dont want to talk in sacrament, I can hardly speak spanish, and I dont want to make a fool of myself, I dont feel like the members like me either and all that stuff. He just told me to do it and all would work out. I hesitantly gave my talk in sacrament meeting, and everything went PERFECTLY, my spanish wasnt super amazing, but I did prety good if I do say so myself. The spirit was working though me, and I was happy with the feeling of I got the point that Heavenly Father wanted across, I hope I did a good job and made Him proud, I truly felt the spirit as I told the people of Guacimo that missionary work is far more than work just for full time missionaries. It is a job and resposibility of every member of this church. I stood in front of everyone and testified to them of a friend of mine, who was a member, and not a full time missionary, but she opened her mouth, and she shared with me the most important thing in her life, and now its the most important thing in my life. She wasnt ashamed to share the gospel, because she knew how much it would bless her life, and now thanks to her, I am here, I have had amazing experiences, and have amazing experiences every single day because one person decided to share the gospel. So church went really well that day! And at the end of sacrament an institute teacher came up to me and said her students all wrote me letters, telling me how excited they were to have me in the branch, and thanked me for my testimony I shared my first week here.

Heavenly father sure does answer prayers, and not in a simple generic way, but in a way that is specific and precise to all of his childrens needs. He knows me, and He loves me and blesses me every day. I am so grateful to be called a child of GOd and a missionary and messenger of his truth.

I also taught the entire gospel principles class by myself, I stood in awe in front of all these people as i taught them the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is truly an amazing thing we have in our lives, I cant believe how far I have come, before I couldnt even teach 3 seconds in spanish, now a whole hour straight just me. I am truly blessed and so thankful for the opportunity I have to teach this amazing gospel to all who will hear.

So after church we went to a members house and ate cow kidney, it was definitely an experience, it wasnt my favorite, and it was an interesting flavor. But oh just one of the joys of being a missionay!

I was surprised that no one said anything about the earthquake we had this week in CR, we had a 6.0 earthquake in San Jose this week, that was apparently felt all the way here in Guacimo pretty strong. My comp and I didnt feel it, unfortunatley, we were walking at super speed just to get to an appointment. But dont worry, all is well, the entire country was a little shocked and freaked out for a few days, but all is back to normal.

Well my family, as usual my testimony has grown an amazing amount this week as always, I feel closer to my Savior every single day, I know him on a completely personal basis and my friend, savior and brother, I know this is His work, and we are here only as messengers. i know this gospel is true and its meant to change and save lives, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and for all you do for me.

I love you all with all my heart,
Elder Falor

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 29

Hello Family and friends!

Pura Vida!! I am so happy that I was able to talk to you all yesterday, that really gave me a boost, and I am so happy to know that I have such great support back home.. You all mean the world to me, and I coudlnt do this without all your support. The mission is one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life, but the most rewarding, I loved being able to share just a glimpse a 1000th part of what I am doing here, I absolutely love my mission, it means EVERYTHING to me. As I told you yesterday and many times before, Its changing me, shaping me into something better every single day, its the greatest thing that I cannot explain, but its the way the gospel works in our lives. The gospel is meant to change lives and bring them in harmony with that of the Savior. I know that the Gospel is true becasue its shaping me, each and every day into a better person, a better messenger of the truth, and a better lifelong disciple of the Savior Jesus Christ.

There is nothing more rewarding in this work than teaching, I get the chance to bear my testimony and tell the people here of all that I know with such a firm conviction. There is nothing more powerful than seeing the change in the gospel in the lives of these people. I know the Lord prepares people to hear this message and he has prepared a lot of people for us to teach. I have said it before but I cant emphasize it enough how amazing it feel when I have the opportunity to teach. Some days I will just feel out of touch or something is wrong and I find its the days we havent been able to teach, I am seriously happiest when I get to share the amazing news of the gospel.

This week was great, we cleaned the house like madmen because Pres and Hermana Galvez came to inspect every house in the mission and do interviews. My interview with President was great, he is an amazing man and is doing everything in his power to magnify his calling, he is a wonderful example of a priesthood holder and I respect him so much for all he and his wife do for the mission. After the interview Hermana Galvez interviewed us and then wrote letters to our mothers, she asked me what I wanted my mother to know and all I could say was that I am happpy, that I am happier than I have ever been, I love that I am here, doing what I am doing. BUt we´ll see what she says, haha. Its in spanish mom, so Alicia will have to translate.

This week we are working alot trying to help a family get baptized. The Husband, Freddy is a member, who went inactive after serving a mission in Guatemala, his wife Yorleny is super Evangelical but super nice sweet lady, and they have a daughter named Fabianna and a son named Derrick. We have been working a lot with them to help them see the blessings of living the gospel and more importantly the word of wisdom. We are hoping to help them come to church and to find that this is the way, that this gospel is true and help them get baptized. They are great, I really love getting to know the people here and getting so attached to them, I have friends all over the country now :)

Well Family, not much else happened this week, I am doing great! I am learning more every day and loving it more and more each day. I am so thankful for alll of you and know that I am in the fright place doing the right thing. IO love this gospel, and I KNOW Its true with all of my heart! I love you all! I hope this week is a great one, until next week!!

Con amor,
Elder Falor

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 28

Hello Family and friends,

How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds everyone well and with life moving forward :)

These few days I have had in Guacimo have been great! Its been a challenge for me because I have been in the 2 coldest places in Costa Rica, and now I get the challenge of being in one of the hottest. Its super hot here and 100 percent humidity, so just sitting here doing no more than typing this email and I am sweating like I just ran a marathon. But its beautiful here, as I have told some of you already, there is all sorts of wild life and jungle forrests every where you look. The people are super nice and super humble, I am looking forward to getting to know them and staying here for a while. I can never predict the changes but I have a feeling with such little time in the mission and already 3 different areas, I will stay here at least until September, but we will see. The Lord always has different plans for his children.

This week I have truly felt the influence of the spirit. I always do as a missionary, but this week in particular. In the MTC I made a deal with myself, that from that moment on, I would never miss an opportunity to bear my testimony, and I failed a few times on that deal but this sunday at testimony meeting I couldnt hold back, even though it was my first sunday in the branch and almost no body knew who I was, the spirit PUSHED me out of my chair and up to the stand. I was nervous as always because of my spanish, but the spirit took the reins at the pulpit and the words came spilling out. And before I knew it I was talking about my amazing family and friends and support I have back at home, and I couldnt help but start to cry as I thought of how absolutely lucky I am to have such great support and love even thousands of miles away. I am so thankful to my heavenly father for allowing me this opportunity to be here, sometimes its hard, if not all the time its hard, but EVERYDAY is worth it. Everyday I learn somethign new and something amazing and I feel His love for me every step of the way. So I hope you all know how much you mean to me and how much I love and miss you all with each passing day.

This week we did a lot to get to know the area and the members and the recent converts. I am excited to work in another area and get to know these great people. I am excited to share my testimony with all in hearing range, I love my testimony of this great work. I have absolutely NO doubt, not one single doubt in any piece of docrtine or anything of this gospel. I know its true, I know there is no other. I know there are a TON of churches, but only ONE Church of Jesus Christ. I know Christ lives and He lives to carry our burdens and help us out of the times we cant do it for ourselves. I know the heavens are open with full communication with God through our living Prophet Thomas S. Monson. I love being able to share this knowledge, simple as it may be, it is life changing. The Gospel changes lives to all those who arrive at the Saviors feet. I have learned that he accepts even the tiniest offering to be His disciple. I love beign a missionary, I love my mission with all my heart. THis is an experience I will never take back for the world!

My spanish and my knowledge of the gospel is tried and growing every single day. I see new results and new things to work on. The Lord definitely shows me where I need to work on and then helps me reach my destination.

I hope you know I love you all and I am SO grateful for all you do! I cant wait to talk to you on mothers day! Love you all!
Elder Falor