
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Worth Fighting For

Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

So I heard something that I really liked in church on Sunday and I want to share it...

Someone in their talk shared about how while we are here on earth we only have 1 single puzzle piece to the puzzle that is our life. While on the other hand God has the entire box with the picture on it and everything.

Maybe we get a piece and we think..."I know this is what this one is" or we may say "this is how my life is supposed to be"
Often times we go to God and say "I know this is how it's supposed to be, I've figured it all out."
And like a great Father, He smiles and says "I can see why you think that way, but remember I have the box with the picture on it. I know how your life is supposed to look."

We go back and try to figure our lives out and we return again and again and again attempting to TELL God what our lives are supposed to look like. Almost as if we were trying to re-invent the already existing puzzle.

God says: "You just have to trust that I know how your life is supposed to look. I've got the picture. Just do what I ask, trust that I will help you, and one day you will know what your picture is."

Sometimes when we are putting together a puzzle we get a piece that is green and we think "this has to be this part. I just know it" and we feel great in our confidence. But when the time comes to put the piece where it goes we find it doesn't fit. That action is repeated several times until finally, after hours of hard, tedious labor the puzzle is put together.

This is a lot how life works. Many times we feel a certain way, or an opinion, a comment, or a simple word changes our entire view on life. We, with our puzzle pieces, try to change the picture that God has already created for us. We try to convince HIM, the creator of our puzzles, that this is how it's supposed to look.

That's the trick in life. Sometimes we find something that in our totally imperfect judgement seems right. But when we take the piece to God and counsel with Him, He tells us that it's not exactly what He intended for. But that is not a moment of despair, it just means that it't time to turn around and continue trying to find what our piece is.

Nothing in contrary to the picture that God has set out for us can change what He has in store. He is the creator of the puzzle, and just as we wouldn't go and contend against the makers of the little kitty puzzles and tell them they are wrong, we shouldn't counsel God and tell Him how WE think our lives are supposed to look. Isn't HE the creator of our lives?

God knows what we can become.

We were made in the image of greatness.

But the hardest part of figuring out what our potential is lies in trusting our loving Heavenly Father. Trusting that He knows what we can accomplish, He is aware of our challenges and our upsets in life, He knows us inside and out, and He would never do anything that wouldn't provide us with an eternity of happiness.

It may be frustrating when we feel a certain way about something. It may even hurt to give it up while here on the earth, but the Lord knows what He's doing. And He would never ask for change, He would never make the picture this way if He knew it wouldn't bring us everlasting happiness.

But despite how hard it may be, putting what we want in line with what God wants is the key to receiving the eternal bliss that is promised each and every one of us, and isn't that always worth fighting for?

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