
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My dear family, This will be the last letter that I write to you before I see you in person. Many months ago Hermana Barquero in San Fransisco asked me to put my mission into one word and I couldnt find just one to describe it, I woke up in the middle of the night the other day and couldnt sleep. I began to think about what my mission has meant for me and one word came to my mind. Grateful. I am so deeply grateful for this experience, first off to my Heavenly Father, I am grateful he has tried and tested me during these 2 years and he has allowed me to change. I am grateful for the man that I have become and look forward to more changes that he will make in me. I am grateful to my wonderful family and friends, for sacrificing two years to let me have this amazing experience. I thank you more than anything mom because we all know for you and I it was especially difficult, but I am thankful for the opportunity to have had this experience, I am especially grateful to a certain Sister missionary, who was a missionary long before she put the tag on and saved my life. I am not trying to make a grammy speech or anything, but I guess all I can say is that I am so thankful to every single person I have met, for every single experience that I have had, for every single Bishop, Stake President, companion, and mission President who have made this experience possible. It was a WONDERFUL week here in Guanacaste and Elder Jones and I really saw the fruits of our labors and I couldnt be more pleased. I couldnt think of a better way to end my full time service as a missionary. I am so thankful. This week Lauriano was baptized along with Antonio, I was able to baptize Antonio and Elder Jones baptized Lauriano, the future Elder Picado. I have prayed long and hard for these 2 years to baptized someone who would be a future missionary, and it was my last baptism in the field, Lauriano has made goals to serve as a full time missionary, and I couldnt be prouder. He received the Priesthood and was able to confer it to Antonio. The Lord works in mysterious ways but he always listens and he always answers prayers. It has been the most amazing week and I couldnt feel more pleased about finishing my mission. I had my final interview with President Wilkinson and will be sad to say goodbye to that amazing man, but I know that Costa Rica is in for a TON of blessings ahead under his service as President. I was able to see many miracles this week and to feel the surety that I am a Child of God, I am loved and blessed in all that I do as I am faithful. I KNOW that this church is true! IT HAS TO BE! There is no denying it now and there is no turning back. God lives. Jesus Christ lives and this is his church. I am so grateful for all of you and I cannot wait to see you. I pray that all will be all right until then. Right now we are going to San Jose, tomorrow we have changes, wednesday we are going to the temple and thursday we board our plane. I will see you soon, until then, remember I love you! Thank you! Elder Falor

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