
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another week...

Hello my wonderful family, Thanks as always for the wonderful letters, it sounds like a lot is going on at home, and the same is going on here in Costa Rica. This week was great, it was spent getting ready for a big BBQ that we had in Neily for the members and it was a big success on Saturday we had so much food and it was a big hit. We then started preparing for changes, I was told that I had changes, so I spent time saying goodbye to all those I loved in the beautiful Zona Sur. It was a bittersweet goodbye, I was happy and sad to leave at the same time. I know and feel that I did my part in the Zona Sur, I feel so close and connected to the people down there, it is one of my favorite places in the country and I sure enjoyed my time there... Today changes meeting was great. I love and know that President Wilkinson is inspired. You can see it in his face and it makes me feel priveledged to be able to be in his presence and take part in the revelation that the Lord sends to him for us. I have been changed and sent to a completely different zone in a completely different area in the northern end of the country. I am sure making my way around this country. Normally with changes one missionary stays behind to show the new elder the ropes, but when the president takes them both out, we call that a white wash. I am entering in a white wash. I am going in blind as we could say. I have no Idea how my area will be or who the members are, but I am not a lone, for the next 24 Elder Prince (Canada) will be showing me the ropes until I go back to San Jose and get my companion tomorrow. My companion is still in the MTC and I do not know who he is yet. My area is called San Roque in Guanacaste, in this Province, that will mark all 7 provinces that I have set foot in. I have sure gotten to love this country and a love for the work here. I am excited for what lies ahead in these next 2 changes, I feel like everything I have learned must be put in practice these next three months. Everything I have learned it is now time to put it in practice and push until the very end. And then put in practice what I learn here in these 3 months for the rest of my life. I am excited for whats a head and ready for any challenge placed before me. This week I realized, I may not have seen many fruits with my time in Neily, and it would be easy for me to feel that my work has been in vain. Many amazing things happened this weekend that proved to me that there is a God, a very aware God. He knows and blesses his children. After having countless sundays without families in church and countless saturdays with an empty baptismal font, we were able to be blessed with a family in church on Sunday. In the first contact at the BBQ they accepted the invitation to be baptized the 12 of August. Even though I wont be here to see it, I know that is a fruit of my labor, I know that the Lord blessed me for my efforts I put in Neily. When President Vela wrote me in my journal he said something that made it easier for me to leave Neily when he said "tu trabajo aquĆ­ se valiĆ³ la pena" (your work was worth it here) I felt at ease leaving Neily knowing that I had made a mark on someones life, and I had helped at least one soul come back to Christ. This week I also have thought alot about a phrase we use as missionaries. "Families can be together forever"...to some that may seem just like a phrase that is used in families or in the church, or something just casual without meaning. But until someone has faced death, or had a loved one pass on, it doesnt become more than just a phrase. I know that families can be together forever. I know that death does not part us. I know that as I testify in the street that families are meant to be together forever. It only makes sense. Being a part of teaching the temple prep class has put such emphasis on the importance of family for me. I am set that "heaven" wouldnt be "heaven" without my family, those I love so dearly. I love you all so much. I cant wait for the day when I will see you again and be able to share this amazing experience with you all. Until then, take care and I will write you next week. Elder Falor

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