
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

iPura Vida!

Hello my amazing family and friends, I am doing great here in Costa Rica. Everyday is full of new lessons to be learned and new people to meet. We had a great week here and managed to find some new families to teach. Unfortunately we came to the conclusion that Mario and Yirlany were not ready yet to be baptized and we decided to move on. They didnt show much interest in baptism as much as they did with marriage, it was hard to do but we have to understand the concept that the Lord is preparing people for us to teach and baptize, we just have to have the faith to move forward and be diligent in finding them. He will put them on our paths. Unfortunately the zone Puntarenas hasnt completed the goal but we have a lot of faith for next month and are hoping to complete it from now on. We have learned from the things we did wrong and are looking forward to correcting them and going forward. The rainy season has started in Costa Rica, but not in Puntarenas, I dont know why when I am in the hot climates it never rains, we will se what happens in May. I am sure that once the rain comes I will wish it was gone. On Wednesday we headed to San Jose to have a multi zone conference with other zones in the mission. It was great to receive extra revelation and to feel the great spirit that President Galvez brings, he has so many great ideas and things to help the mission improve, I can really sense it that he is concerned about what we can accomplish but more concerned about who we become. He reminds me alot of Bill Betz only in latino form, haha. He is concerned about the success we have in baptisms and retention, but he is more concerned about what we learn to make us better people and better disciples of Christ. That is what I love so much about him, he is a wonderful President. I was asked to direct the meeting with all the zones, I felt a bit nervous, but like always the Lord helped me and I felt like even that was a tiny trial to help me build my confidence and faith in the Lord. This week I completed 18 months in the mission, its a big milestone and I woke up on Friday with gratitude in my heart, thankful for all that has passed in these past 18 months, and excitement for what lies ahead. I am so excited to be of good health and strength to continue my missionary service, I wouldnt trade this time for anything. This experience has been one of eternal significance. I will treasure every day, every second that I have left. I love you all with all my heart. Stay strong! Con amor, Elder Falor

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