
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Siempre adelante!‏

Hola mi querida familia, ANOTHER WEEK!? I can´t believe this week went by fast, I feel like I laid my head on my pillow last monday and woke up and today was monday again, where is the time going? Nonetheless, I am so happy and so grateful for this week I had on the mission, it was one of a kind because it was spent serving the Lord. I am so grateful to be a servant of the only true and living church. I am also so thankful and so blessed to have people like you supporting me 100 percent of the way. I love you all with all my heart and I can´t even begin to explain the love I have for you. This week we had a baptism for a little girl of the ward, it was cool because a family from my first area (Tibás) came to the baptism. It was so great to see them again, they made me remember the first part of my mission, and maybe the most difficult. This family helped me a lot in my first area and gave me a lot of hope for what was to come up ahead. I hadn´t even realized that 14 months had passed by when the little boy Jeffrey asked me how much time I had left on my mission. I told him that I had 16 months in the mission and then it hit me. I realized how quickly this mission is ending. I never thought that it would come to an end, but with each passing day I know it will never come back. Time flies way too fast and we much enjoy every single moment and live every single moment to the fullest. Life is meant to be enjoyed and filled with amazing experiences. This mission experience has been the best experience of my life and I wouldn´t trade it for anything in the world. This week I felt the love of the Savior. I have heard testimonies of people saying that on their missions they gained a true love for the Savior. I can now understand why. The mission is so raw and so real that it brings you face to face with the atonement. I dont understand the atonement. I know Christ died and I know he suffered, only to be hung on the cross to be lifted up on the 3rd day, but I dont know why he did it. I can´t quite comprehend the love he had for EACH AND EVERYONE of us. He could have easily backed out of it, he could have saved himself and took himself off the cross. But he knew the giant devastation it would cause in the great plan of God. He knew if he didnt fulfill we wouldnt be able to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. I can´t wait for the day when I can personally thank the Savior for his unbelievable act of TRUE REAL LOVE. He loves us, enough to die for us, to bring to pass the inmortality and eternal life of man. I hope that one day I can love as he loves. I hope I can see us as he sees us. I know it is only in and through the atonement that we can receive a fullness of blessings in the presence of God. I love the atonement, I love teaching it and I love sharing it with all who will hear. I love Jesus Christ and I love serving him. The atonement covers EVERYTHING and makes everything possible for us. Well Sorry this letter was so short, I will try and write more next week, thanks so much for all your love and support. I love you all with all my heart. Stay strong! Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

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