
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 64

Hello Family, Wow, I dont even know where to start.  This week has been absolutely crazy.  I guess I would like to start by telling a story of something really amazing that happened.  So on the 29 of December, I lost my packpack, that had my scriptures, my hymn book, a picture of my beautiful family, and some other memories of my time in the mission.  I was so unbelievably upset, I had my entire mission memories in my scriptures and every word of inspiration I had received from you all or from President Galvez was in there.  I was devastated but had to get over it and keep working.  So for a week I borrowed some scriptures from a member in the ward.  I got by but was still sad because I wanted my scriptures back, haha.  I kept praying to the Lord that I would find them again, I prayed and prayed and prayed and for a week they didnt show up.  Then on Saturday night while we were fasting we happened to be walking back from an appointment with a family who cancelled the appointment.  It was funny how it all worked out, because if the appointment hadnt cancelled we would be no where near where we were when someone pulled off the side of the road and yelled at me ¨KOLBY!?¨ I thought nothing of it because Kolbi is a really famous telephone line here, then they asked me ¨Are you Elder Kolby Jeffrey Falor?¨ I was a bit shocked and just said yes thinking some members were playing a joke on us.  They told me they had my scriptures and they had been searching for me for a week, they thought they would never find me.  It was such an amazing blessing I was so happy like a little child on Christmas to hold my scriptures once again in my hands.  They didnt recover my backpack or anything else, just my scriptures and my backpack.. It was even more amazing to me because that day we started a fast with a family that we baptized in December, I testified to them that in all the times I have fasted I have ALWAYS seen a miracle without fail.  I believe that the Lord made that happen.  I know he did.  I saw his hand in the plans afterwards when I had my scriptures in my hands.  The Lord blesses us when we are obedient and faithful.  I know because I was willing to fast and give that day to the Lord he blessed me with something that, at first, seemed really impossible.  It made me realize how much God really knows us and knows our situation.  Even if it was something so silly as scriptures, he does everything he can so we can be happy.  Just as a father would do something silly for his son because he loves him, I know our Heavenly Father loves us and He always keeps us safe and happy and blesses us when we are obedient.  So that was a cool experience that happened to me this week.  I have also had a crazy week training a new missionary.  His name is Elder Ramirez from Honduras, he is so cool! We get along really well and I am so happy that President Galvez and the Lord have trusted me enough to give me this amazing calling of training a new missionary.  It will be a lot of work, but I know the Lord has prepared the way for me to complete that which he has commanded me.  We had a great week and we are excited for this month because we  are looking forward to a baptism of a family this month on the 21, it will be his first family and first baptism, we are excited to see another wedding and another baptism.  This week has really been such a test in every single form.  But its only helped my testimony of the church grow.  The Church is TRUE.  It has to be.  It makes perfect sense in every single way.  Everything about it speaks the truth.  I know that what I am doing is true.  To some people it may be stupid to give up two years of your life for a church.  But if I didnt know the church was true, I wouldnt give up my time to spread it all around Costa Rica.  I know its true, from the bottom of my heart.  I feel my Heavenly Fathers love each and everyday, as well as your love and prayers, I thank you all with all that I am.  I am doing great here and enjoying every moment! I love you all with all my heart.  Stay strong, keep the faith and lose the fear. Con mucho amor, Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

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