Thursday, January 26, 2012
Week 66
Hello my amazing family and friends,
I am glad to hear that this week was a great week for all of you. Thanks as always for your letters of support and love. I am glad to hear that Elder Elbert made it home safe and sound and I hope he knows how proud I am of him for serving and completing a full time mission. Its not easy, but its worth every second of the journey.
This week was excellent for us here in Pavas. We had a great week, we were able to receive special instruction from President Clayton (Presidency of the 70) and President Amado (Area Presidency of Central America), It was amazing, and I felt the spirit so much, testifying to me that his words were inspired and true. I know that the Lord chooses his servants and calls them to his work, I could feel the Lord testifying to me of their words that they were what the mission in Costa Rica needs to be successful.
On Saturday we had a wedding and baptism for Lanny and Marcos! Man, it was a beautiful service! The wedding was a bit fast becasue the Lawyer had to get to Alajuela real fast afterwards, but because Lanny´s knee was broken we had to rush her into the chapel in a wheel chair with her big wedding dress on. It was quite the experience. I lent my suit to Marcos so they both looked pretty shnazzy! I was so happy to see them reach their goal of a wedding and a baptism. I had the amazing priveledge to baptize Marcos and I loved seeing him change and be so happy after he came out of the water. There is nothing more precious then seeing all your hard work pay off in missionary work. We worked so hard and the Lord blessed us. It may seem simple and of no importance to other people but its the most special thing I can think of right now. I love seeing the power of the gospel take effect in the lives of all my converts and seeing how they can be happy knowing they are on the right track. We made goals with them for this coming year so that at the beginning of 2013 they will make it to the temple. We bought them a picture of the Costa Rica temple and made them write their goals on the back and put it in a place where they will always see it.
I love the gospel. :) Today we had our ¨One month check up¨ for the new missionaries and their trainers. We were blessed to hear from Presidente Galvez and hear of his inspired words. That man is a hero to me and he inspires me to do better. We then went to the Galvez home and stuffed our faces with a bunch of carne asada, vegetables, pasta, fruit, cake and ice cream, we sure got spoiled. It was crazy, because almost this exact time last year I was doing the same thing, but I was the one with only 1 month in the mission. It was a great day, we are a bit tired from all the traveling, but know it was worth it to be able to hear from our wonderful President.
I am doing so good. I love the mission, I love nothing more than coming home dead tired, knowing I gave my all to the Lord´s work. I may not be the best missionary, but I know if I serve Him with my heart, might, mind and strength, its good enough for Him, and thats all He asks. I love the gospel and know its true. I never tire in saying it. Its true, it just makes sense, and it makes me happy. I hope this week makes you all happy, I hope all goes well for you, remember I love you with all my heart.
Elder Falor
Pura Vida!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Week 65
A big hello to everyone from Costa Rica in ¨la ciudad de los locos en Pavas¨ so um... I cant believe another week has gone by, where is time going! Its all passing too quick. This week was a wonderful week in Pavas, and as always I have a ginormous book of stories and experiences to tell you. I will share one with you that is quite funny and quite amazing. So, I dont know who´s idea it was (ok it was mine) to travel to the temple on Friday the 13th. Its about an hour bus ride from Pavas and we were excited because we were going to take Heidy and Gabriel (the fam that got baptized on mom´s birthday) and Lanny and Marcos (the family who is getting baptized on the 21) to the temple so they could wait in the waiting room and feel of the spirit. On the way to the temple we split into two groups, my companion and I went with Heidy and Gabriel in bus and a member went with Lanny and Marcos in car. Lets just say that the Devil was 100% aware of our trip to the Lord´s house that day. Anything that could have went wrong, did. We were alright in the bus but those who went in car had a big problem that almost cost them their lives, but nonetheless, with all the odds against them, we had a super spiritual lesson in the temple and all made it safe and sound. These two families have made such a big impact on me, that even though Lanny had a broken knee she was willing to travel in car and make a big sacrifice to see the temple. Once inside Presidente Rivera came and talked to us and shared about the temples importance in the Plan of Salvation. The spirit was so strong I could have cried. I felt so unbelievable safe and loved, I truly felt in the presence of God, I felt in his house. I love to see the temple. I love to be in the temple, how unbelievably blessed we are to have temples in our day, and temples so accessable to us and our needs. I know what happens in the temple is eternal. Its the most important thing the human family can do. Be sealed for all time and eternity. Its the only place in all the world where that happens. I know it. It was great and the family was really pumped to be there next year. They already have plans on the 23 of December 2012 and the 21 of January 2013 to be in the temple, kneeling around an altar to be sealed as an eternal family.. They have made amazing changes and have come to love the Lord and his gospel. I am so happy to have the privelege of knowing these two amazing families, they have forever changed my life. I hope that one day I can be as amazing as they are and have such great amounds of faith like they have. I know that even though I wont be in Costa Rica to see them at their sealing, I know that one day we will be able to see each other again in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and how great will be our joy. Every experience I have had on the mission has only strengthened my testimony of the restored gospel. I love the Lord and His work. I love it with all my heart, I dont want it to end. We also talked to the family that returned my scriptures and had an amazing lesson with them. I feel they were a family prepared by the Lord in one of the strangest ways, but its all how He works. He will do what it takes to have His work come to pass. We are hoping this family progresses and can gain a testimony of this true work. I love the gospel and I love my mission, its my sacred experience. It means everything to me. I am doing great family, dont you worry about me, I am having the time of my life, I only wish I could better explain what the mission has done for me and what its changed in me..its beyond description. Well fam. I love you lots. I hope this week goes well for you. You are all in my prayers.
¡Sean fuertes!, pierdan el temor y guarden la fe, les quiero y les amo con todo mi corazón,
hasta pronto,
Elder Falor
Pura Vida!
Week 64
Hello Family,
Wow, I dont even know where to start. This week has been absolutely crazy. I guess I would like to start by telling a story of something really amazing that happened. So on the 29 of December, I lost my packpack, that had my scriptures, my hymn book, a picture of my beautiful family, and some other memories of my time in the mission. I was so unbelievably upset, I had my entire mission memories in my scriptures and every word of inspiration I had received from you all or from President Galvez was in there. I was devastated but had to get over it and keep working. So for a week I borrowed some scriptures from a member in the ward. I got by but was still sad because I wanted my scriptures back, haha. I kept praying to the Lord that I would find them again, I prayed and prayed and prayed and for a week they didnt show up. Then on Saturday night while we were fasting we happened to be walking back from an appointment with a family who cancelled the appointment. It was funny how it all worked out, because if the appointment hadnt cancelled we would be no where near where we were when someone pulled off the side of the road and yelled at me ¨KOLBY!?¨ I thought nothing of it because Kolbi is a really famous telephone line here, then they asked me ¨Are you Elder Kolby Jeffrey Falor?¨ I was a bit shocked and just said yes thinking some members were playing a joke on us. They told me they had my scriptures and they had been searching for me for a week, they thought they would never find me. It was such an amazing blessing I was so happy like a little child on Christmas to hold my scriptures once again in my hands. They didnt recover my backpack or anything else, just my scriptures and my backpack.. It was even more amazing to me because that day we started a fast with a family that we baptized in December, I testified to them that in all the times I have fasted I have ALWAYS seen a miracle without fail. I believe that the Lord made that happen. I know he did. I saw his hand in the plans afterwards when I had my scriptures in my hands. The Lord blesses us when we are obedient and faithful. I know because I was willing to fast and give that day to the Lord he blessed me with something that, at first, seemed really impossible. It made me realize how much God really knows us and knows our situation. Even if it was something so silly as scriptures, he does everything he can so we can be happy. Just as a father would do something silly for his son because he loves him, I know our Heavenly Father loves us and He always keeps us safe and happy and blesses us when we are obedient. So that was a cool experience that happened to me this week. I have also had a crazy week training a new missionary. His name is Elder Ramirez from Honduras, he is so cool! We get along really well and I am so happy that President Galvez and the Lord have trusted me enough to give me this amazing calling of training a new missionary. It will be a lot of work, but I know the Lord has prepared the way for me to complete that which he has commanded me. We had a great week and we are excited for this month because we are looking forward to a baptism of a family this month on the 21, it will be his first family and first baptism, we are excited to see another wedding and another baptism.
This week has really been such a test in every single form. But its only helped my testimony of the church grow. The Church is TRUE. It has to be. It makes perfect sense in every single way. Everything about it speaks the truth. I know that what I am doing is true. To some people it may be stupid to give up two years of your life for a church. But if I didnt know the church was true, I wouldnt give up my time to spread it all around Costa Rica. I know its true, from the bottom of my heart. I feel my Heavenly Fathers love each and everyday, as well as your love and prayers, I thank you all with all that I am. I am doing great here and enjoying every moment!
I love you all with all my heart. Stay strong, keep the faith and lose the fear.
Con mucho amor,
Elder Falor
Pura Vida!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Hello Family!
I hope this letter finds you all happy and well, I want to wish you the happiest of new years! I hope you know how much I love you and think of you all always. Thanks for your support for all you do and for all your love and prayers. Thanks especially to the Hyde Park 1st Ward Primary for your letters! I sure had a good time looking at the pictures and hearing about your advice. I especially liked the letter that said ¨you better be reading the Book of Mormon¨ haha, I laughed and just want them to know that I am definitely reading the Book of Mormon. Well today was a crazy day, to go along with a crazy week and crazy month and crazy holiday season that I will NEVER forget. So many things have happened, that I cannot wait to tell you when I get back, they all go in to the story box for when I get home I can share them all with you. Today we had changes meeting and after a short 6 weeks together I said goodbye to Elder Aguilar and he said hello to San Francisco! haha I was happy to know that he will be there to take care of my converts and I will be here taking care of our converts. I have yet to receive my new companion because it was announced that I will be a new trainer for a new missionary. But the deal is this, the new missionaries dont arrive until tomorrow, so I havent met him yet, but for 24 hours I will be with another departing missionary who is going home on thursday, his name is Elder Rivera from Honduras he has been a friend of mine in the mission for awhile so it will be fun to spend some time with him before he goes. I said goodbye to Elder Centeno, he was such a great friend of mine and he will forever be a great friend and always with some of my greatest memories as a missionary. So today I said farewell to my 3 companion as he heads off to his house. I am excited to be training a new missionary and excited to be working here in Pavas, this area has SO much potential we just have to work hard, be obedient and diligent in the Lords work. Hermana Galvez did something cool today in our meeting, she had us put a 5 colones coin in our shoes to remind us of the widow who gave her last little bit of all she had, she said everytime we put our foot down we are going to feel it and ask ourselves ¨have I given everything I had for this day in the Lords amazing work¨ it was spiritual and a cool Idea, its the best when missionaries can say that they have given their all and they come to the house dead tired but satisfied, after knowing they have given all they got for the Lord´s work. I know this work is true and I know that God is with us, I know he loves us and protects us, but we must obey to recieve his protection. I know we are his children, I feel and see his love with each passing day. I know the GOspel is true, its been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, I know it with out a doubt. I am so blessed to be a servant of the Lord and with such great support like you all I have at home. I wish you the very happiest of New Years, and never forget how special you are to me. I love you with all my heart.
Stay strong.
les amo.
Elder Falor
PS here is a picture to remind you all of me this new year haha.
Pura Vida!
Week 62...and a VERY Merry Christmas
Hello My amazing and wonderful family,
How great it was to hear your wonderful voices and how hard to say goodbye, but I know before we know it we will see each other again. I love phone calls in the mission (especially from my 2 amazing families) they always give me the strength I need to continue working and giving my all to the work of the Lord. Thanks for all your support and all your advice, you are all here at my side doing this with me, I couldnt do it without you. Thanks for being my strength and giving me a big reason to keep pushing forward! These past 2 days I have absolutely loved, I love walking the streets as a representative of Jesus Christ telling the world that he lives! This amazing time of year is even better to do the work of the Lord. The Lord really blessed us this week with a baptism of a truly amazing family, in only 5 short weeks I have come to love them as my own and I was so happy to see them married and baptized along with their kids! It was such a truly spiritual experience! Its been such a journey with them, even in 5 short weeks, but that goes to show how the Lord works, he can make mighty miracles in short periods of time! I love the work of the Lord, I love being lost in it and I love LOVE LOVE spreading the news of the Gospel. There is no place on earth where I would rather be. Its such a blessing. I attached some pictures of this amazing service, of the marriage and of the baptism!
I am doing truly spectacular here family. I love it so much! I love being able to speak spanish. Last year about this time Spencer Wixom sent me a letter and told me about how one day I would grow to love the people, the language and the food and everything about my mission, honestly, at first I doubted his advice when he told me the sacrifice and suffering was worth it. But now I believe every word. I love the spanish language, I love the ticos and the nicas, I love everything about this beautiful country. I love the Lord and will serve him for the rest of my life. I will fight for the truth because the truth will ALWAYS stand!
Keep the faith and lose the fear. Remember I love you with all my heart. I wish you the HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS!
les amo, con todo mi corazon!
Elder Falor
Pura Vida!
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