
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 58

Hello my amazing friends and family, Wherever you are, I hope this letter finds you well! I am doing exceptionally well here in Pavas. I made it through as my first week as District Leader and all went well, I wont lie it was a bit stressful, only because I dont want to let the Lord or Presidente Galvez down, they both have put their trust in me to be the best I can. But I know if I put my trust in the Lord, and pray with all my heart, He will make great things happen in my mission. After I wrote you all on Monday, the following Tuesday I had my first district meeting, I was nervous but the spirit guided that meeting and I feel we all left uplited and ready to work. My district is absolutely amazing! They inspire me. My district is 3 areas and 6 missionaries, 2 of those are Sisters. I was happy to get sisters in the district because they really make such a difference in the work, they really help and inspire us. Including this sunday the sisters in the district brought 8 people to sacrament meeting! I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by such great missionaries, and truly humbled to be called as their leaders when they are teaching and guiding me. Pavas is amazing, its also amazingly LARGE! Its big enough for 6 missionaries and here there is only 2 but we will see what happens there. We are working a lot with the families we already have and finding more for december. The mission has put the goal of 100 families baptized in the month of December, we will need all the prayers we can get to accomplish our goal and end 2011 on a high note. My companion is really cool, we get along really well and we work together really well. I have had some amazing experiences here in Pavas that its crazy, the ward is absolutely amazing! I have never seen members like this in all of Costa Rica, we had a really high attendance and it was awesome, the members made me fit right in as part of the family. I have already made good friends here in Pavas and memories that I will never forget. I hope everyone had a thanksgiving that they will remember, I reflected a lot on thanksgiving this week and many people say its just a dumb holiday where we just shove food in our faces, but I disagree, Its an amazing day to really reflect on what we are grateful for. I thought of all of you on Thanksgiving, and I gave thanks to my Heavenly Father, I dont know what I did to deserve the things I have, to meet and know the people I know and to have such great support. You are amazing! I am forever in debt with you all and especially with my Heavenly Father. I will never be able to repay you. Thank you all for your amazing examples and your support! I hope this week is a special one for all of you! Dont forget I love you all so very much. Elder Falor

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