
Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 26

Hello Family and friends,

Well, like I always say, another week has gone by here in the mission, and it scares me to death how fast the time is flying. I never ever believed it would go this fast, but look, I am almost at 6 months in the mission. And today marks 19 months since my baptism! I was thinking about that this morning, and I cant believe all the amazing experiences I have had in these 19 months, all the while I am making more amazing experiences here on the mission. I remember my baptism as if it were yesterday, there were some bad moments that day, but only because I know and see now that Satan works on those who are trying to get on the right and true path. There was a moment that day where I wanted to back out and not get baptized, or atleast I thought, or satan made me think. But I am so happy I did, that despite the things that happened and the things that were said, I still did it, and I wouldnt take back a single second of that day. Because that day changed my life, absolutely changed my life forever. And now, I am here on my mission in Costa Rica, doing amazing things I never thought were possible.

This week was another week in the mission, sometimes they look the same, walking, teaching and testifying, but they are all so special in their own way. I learn a new lesson every single day here in the mission, and its something I can always apply in my life to make me a better person and son of God. This week we had the amazing opportunity on Wednesday to travel to San Jose and hear a representative of the Lord talk directly to us as a mission. The son of Gordon B. Hinckley came to talk specifically to the San Jose Costa Rica Mission, Elder Richard G. Hinckley and his wife came and spoke to us. Luckily, they didnt speak a lick of spanish, so us gringos got the opportunity to hear of his words in english. We also had the opportunity to hear from our President and Hermana Galvez. They had great things to say to us. They always push us to go forward and to always be better. Hermana Galvez told us that she admits they ask a lot of the missionaries, but they wont stop, and they will always be asking for more. Which is so true, the Lord only deserves the best of our short 2 years here on the mission. We should only give EVERYTHING we have to the mission for those of us who have been given so much. That seemed to be the topic of the meeting as Richard Hinckley closed with his testimony when he said,
"I would love to thank you all for your service and sacrifice and express my gratitude and say it is so great for you to take 2 years of your life and do this, but I wont, even though I am so grateful, honestly, its the least you could do as members of this church. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its the least you could do to leave your families, your friends, your job, your cell phones and your whole life behind to give 2 years of your life to serving the Lord. For those of us who have been so blessed with the knowledge we have, its the LEAST you could do."

That really hit me, honestly, it is the LEAST I could do to show my father in heaven how much all the things I have received mean to me. They really mean the world to me, and 2 years of my entire life devoted to his service is absolutlely the least I could do for him. But it doesnt mean that we have to serve him half heartedly, but with all that we are, every second of every day should be devoted to his service. I love being on this service, this errand, and doing these amazing things, having these amazing experiences, that I know will never come again in the same way as they are now.

We talked in Priesthood meeting yesterday about the fruits of our labors for the Lord. How often times we dont see them right away, and we think we failed. I thought a lot about my own mission. Right now I dont have six thousand baptisms to my name, but it doesnt mean that I havent had sucess. I look back and reflect on all these things and moments and hearts that may have been touched and see sucess. I know if I am doing the right thing in the right way of the Lord, I cannot fail. He wouldnt set me up to fail and to not have sucess. AFter all this is HIS work, and HE is in control.

This week apparently I had some crazy dreams, every one of the Elders in my house have told me that I have been talking in my sleep, I was a bit worried that I was disturbing them, but was happy when they told me that I was not only speaking in my sleep, but speaking in spanish, haha. Weird, but I was excited to know that even when I am not thinking purposely, I am speaking in spanish, I though this was funny that I had been talking in Spanish in my sleep. I hope to see more improvement with my spanish, in the day and in my dreams as well.

Well family and friends, all is well with me here. I am doing great learning more each and every day. Learning how to pick myself up when I fall and how to strengthen my faith and testimony in these things. I love being a missionary. Absolutely LOVE it. I know this work is true. It has to be true, because I feel it deep inside my bones. I know that God lives, and His son lives to direct and guide this church through his living prophets. I know this with all my heart, and I will spend the rest of my life declaring this amazing knowledge.

I love you all with all that I am. I hope this week brings much happiness and joy.

Elder Falor

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