
Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello all Family and Friends,

Well, yet another week has passed by and I think I will have to say that this week was by far the coldest! It was my first week in San Ramon, and believe it or not, its FREEZING here! Absolutely freezing! Maybe not compared to what you guys have to deal with in good old Utah, but for CR, its pretty darn cold. But its been a great week. San Ramon is absolutely beautiful. Its in the middle of city and jungle. We have a small town called Center because San Jose is almost 2 hours away from us, but the rest of our area is all hills, palm trees and GREEN! Everywhere is green and its so amazingly beautiful.

I have seen unimaginable amounts of growth this week. My spanish is improving at a faster rate than I ever imagined, I can understand nearly everything that is being said to me and I am able to communicate one on one with people in more than just a gospel conversation. The Lord has truly picked up my slack, and the Gift of Tongues is REAL! There is no other way I could learn this fast this much as I have without the spirit as my guide. I have been immensely blessed as a missionary. This week we taught a lot! The people in San Ramon are very inviting, although a lot are deeply rooted in their Catholic beliefs, the Lord has been preparing a lot of them to hear the message of the Restoration of Gods church. I can´t believe the way I am able to communicate and how much the spirit really guides me. The Lord knows his missionaries and he blesses them in this work.

This week, I happened to be so lucky to have President and Hermana Galvez come to another district meeting, it was so powerful. As I said before, president Galvez has a spirit about him, he is inspired and called of God. He has something about him that just makes the missionaries want to do better and improve. At least thats how I felt. I found areas to improve and I am working harder and harder each day to achieve my goal and do a good job as a servant of the Lord.

This week we had an activity in the Branch and watched Joseph Smith the Prohet of the Restoration movie. And what a great movie that is, that depicts the life and trials of the Prophet Joseph Smith, that man did a lot all so we could have the gospel in our lives today. A lot of what we face is tiny compared to what he had to do to restore the truth back onto the earth. We are truly blessed to have and be able to understand the fullness of the gospel and the plan of salvation.

The gospel is an amazing blessing in my life and in every life it touches. I have witnessed many amazing miracles wrought through the power of this gospel. I have seen people and lives changed through the amazing blessings of the gospel. I have seen families strengthened, relationships strengthened and literally miracles happen through the gospel. I am deeply grateful for this oportunity to witness and be a part of this powerful, life saving gospel. I am firm in my decision to serve a mission, without a single doubt in my mind that this is where I am supposed to be. That God called ME to be here right now teaching these people. I find no greater joy then when we are in the humblest of humble homes teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in the middle of Costa Rica. I find it absolutely amazing that the spirit finds us, and the Lord finds those people to prepare to hear our message, regardless of where we might end up.

I know that Heavenly Father loves me. I can feel it and see it every single day. I know that He lives, that He watches over us and cares for our well being and safety. I know that every aspect of our lives is part of His divine plan of happiness. I know that if we wait and watch well God will pour out the blessings of heaven to us. I know our Savior personally, and have seen His hands at work. He is the reason and the motive behind all of this, and I dont want to represent anyone else than my Savior Jesus Christ. This is His work, His time, and His mission.

I am continually doing well in the mission, I am so grateful for your prayers and your support for me back home. I hope you all know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I couldnt do this without you and I am truly truly thankful for each and every one of you reading this letter right now.

I hope this week is filled with happiness and sucess, I am praying all is well with you, I love you all,
until next week,
Elder Falor

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