
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

4th Week Update

Hello Family and Friends,

Well another week has gone by, and I dont really know where it went! I´m sorry I don´t have a lot of time this week, which is sad because I have a LOT to tell you! Tel Grandpa Dave Happy Birthday! And tell Amy Happy Birthday as well! I love them both!

Mom, to answer your questions, sorry, I didn´t send my camera card, because I didnt have time, so dont worry, I have my card here. I´m pretty sure the new camera should make it here by changes which is Feb 2. When we travel to the temple and zone mtgs and such we take a bus into San Jose and then into the city further to our meetings. A lot of times we walk, but anywhere outside of Tibas we take a bus.

This week was crazy, it disappeared so quick I don´t even know what happened. But I can definitely see the Lords hand at work in my life every single day.

The baptism on Saturday was really great, It started off crazy because one Elder in our House, Elder Nuñez wanted to move the piano from the Sacrament room into the Baptismal room and he got so excited in doing so he tipped the piano over and broke it, haha! It was crazy, but only something that would happen to him. This baptism was a cool experience because it was a 4 person baptism, 1 from our area in Tibas and 3 from the Sisters area in Zurqui. Each one of the Elders in my house baptized a person that day! I baptized Daniel from Tibas, and it was so great! I was nervous but as always the spirit brought me back to square one and helped me through. I am continually seeing the changes the Lord makes in my life, each day, little by little, a little more of the old me is chipped away and I am becoming more of what my Heavenly Father wants me to be.

We did a lot of different stuff this week, we had divisions where I went with Elder Montierth from Idaho into the Leon 13 and we taught a bunch of cool lessons. The people are great and they are so humble and willing to let us in and hear our message. I spoke a little more and was able to understand almost everything. I´m getting to the point where I can understand everything gringos can say in spanish, now I have to work on the Latinos, they are a little more difficult.

But I am doing great, some days are harder than others, but like I said before, in every situation, I am brought back to square one, back where It´s most important, where I can refocus on my purpose and start over better the next day.

The time really is flying by, I have been in Costa Rica for a whole month now. And I can´t believe the things I´ve done, the things I´ve seen and the way I´ve changed. I have seen such a change that the gospel has wrought in my life, I can´t wait to see that change in the lives of those that we are teaching.

Sunday was great, we had a confirmation for Daniel and he is now a member of this amazing church! What a privelege to be members of God´s Kingdom on the earth. I don´t think any of us realize the amazingness in that sentence, we are involved in the most divine work. We have all been saved, for this time, this place to be here and help in the work of the Lord in some way, some how. I´ve realized how much work needs to be done, and you don´t always need a call from the prophet to get the work done. Work can be done in every area of every stake, ward, branch, group, etc. We had a Stake meeting for Estaca Toyopán on Sunday, all the missionaries and stake leaders met at the stake center and discussed the stake goals for 2011. We have made some big goals for the wards to help out in missionary work, to continue to build the kingdom. It affects me a lot because I have a feeling I will be in Tibás for another 5 months. We also ate dinner, hot dogs with cabbage on them, strange, but tasty! And its always fun to get together with our zone.

I absolutely love the Missionaries in this mission. Like everyone, they have their problems and their challenges, but each of us are striving each day to be better than the last, and in reality, that´s what the Lord asks of each of us. To become more of a Disciple of Christ today, than I was tomorrow, and to keep moving forward. I don´t remember who said it, but someone said that we aren´t going to get anywhere standing still, sounds like a simple statement, but when thought out is far more profound. We are never going to reach our potential, waiting for God, family, friends, coworkers or so and so to make the change in us, we have to put in the work, and the others help along the way. In that long path back to our Heavenly Father involves work. This church is work! And we are not ashamed to say that, because our Father in heaven has blessings in store for us beyond our ability to comprehend, but we must work. We must strive harder and harder each and everyday to make that change inside of us, to bring a little piece of us closer to our Savior. Who gave his EVERYTHING for us.

Today was splendid! Absolutely splendid! It was my one month check up, that they call in the mission. Where all the Elders and HErmanas that came in my group meet together in the Church in Los Yoses, where we met with pres Galvez and the Assistants and discussed the last month, and how to improve the next 21. Pres Galvez is great and truly inspired, he definitely has the spirit with him and does such a great job to lead this mission forward. After that, we all gathered in a bus and drove into the city Coronado (which is just as beautiful as Coronodo in San Diego) up to a huge mountain that over looks the entire country. We gathered in some mans back yard and looked out at the view, which was mostly clouds, President Galvez continues to tell us that this property, years ago, was the place where President Boyd K Packer himself stood and dedicated the Land of Costa Rica for the preaching of the Gospel in Costa Rica. I was floored at this experience! This dedicatory prayer offered by Pres Packer, allowed me, to stand at that exact spot years later, to preach the gospel to this people. As the man shared his story of this great experience, he talked about how Pres Packer really wanted to see the city, but the clouds were taking up the view, right as Elder Packer began his prayer, the man said, there was not a cloud in the sky, the Heavens literally opened up, and God himself dedicated this land for the preaching of the Gospel...It is no mistake that I am here...It is no mistake that the Gospel is being preached in Costa Rica. There is no mistake in this earth, except those made by man. God really is in charge, he is there, and he knows everything, deeply and intimately, beyond our imagination. As the man shared this story, the hairs on my arms and neck stood up, and I had goosebumps as the spirit testified to me of the truthfullness of this story. He said as Pres Packer finished the prayer, the clouds moved in again, and it began to pour rain. We stood at the exact spot where Pres Packer himself stood, where 10 years earlier, lightning had struck, perhaps, giving a sign that someday, this spot, would be very important to the people in this Country. Since that day, the face of Costa Rica, and the face of the Church in this country has changed in miraculous ways! It was a way cool experience, but unfortunately, My camera broke all the way and I wasnt able to bring it, but I have pics from my comps camera that I will send sooner or later. After this we traveled to Pres Galvez´s house and had an AMAZING lunch! and got our mail! Which was great to receive a package! Thanks so much!

Well family, the work continues, like I say every week. It doesnt stop, it doesn´t get easier, it just gets more and more worth it. Moments like Baptisms, feeling the spirit so deeply touch your soul in a lesson, people saying hi to you on the street, someone accepting the message, makes all the suffering, the walking, the misunderstandings, the yelling, the hatred, it makes it all worth it. This work is definitely work. For those people who said Oh man, costa rica! Thats a vacation for 2 years, not a mission. You are really wrong, there is work to do, even in a country as beautiful as this. And the work of a Missionary doesnt stop, it doesn´t let up, because this isnt temporary, this is eternal work that we are performing here. We are leading people to the narrow gate and onto the path back to their Father in Heaven.

I love this work. Even though its hard, I love it, with all that I am. I know this Gospel is true, I know that God lives today and he is the same, today, yesterday, and forever. He never stops loving us, ever. I know in our times of weakness, we may feel that the Heavens have closed, and God has ceased to bless us, and we might as well give up. I urge you, family, friends, or anyone who feels that way, to stop, and realize the potential you can gain from this experience. They are all for our good, every moment. The heaven´s are not closed, far from it. They are open and ready to receive all who fall at the feet of the Savior.

I can´t begin to comprehend the blessings and miracles I have seen here, and they are not huge giant miracles just because I am a missionary, they are little pieces to the puzzle that are continually being revealed to us and helping us see that God is with us, every single step of the way.

Family, I pray for your health and safety each and everyday, I know that God hears my prayers, and I hope you can see the blessings God gives you, the blessing of another day, another day to learn, grow and progress as a Son or Daughter of a Heavenly Father. I hope you all feel my love, and I hope you all find great joy and happiness this next week, and next 21 months. Please please, remember I love you, I am thinking of you CONSTANTLY! each one of you are here with me, you walk behind me on the sketchiest of streets and you are in the back of the bus with me, and you are even with me in the tiny houses of our investigators. I feel your presence and I am deeply grateful for that.

Stay strong family, remember I love you!
Until next week, Elder Falor

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