
Friday, March 12, 2010

Nothing's bigger than love.

I can't even begin to try and comprehend how true this statement really is.

Many can argue that there are bigger things in life than love. And I beg to differ.

Love is the foundation upon which everything can be built. It all depends on whether you let it be. Some would argue that God is bigger than love, but who will agree that God IS love. Cheesy, yeah I know.

But imagine any scenario or certain aspect of your life and imagine how it would be with or without love...

Love heeds faith and belief. It begins friendships, it builds confidence. It allows for change and it accepts it. Love never ends unless you let it, and when you do, that could be a sad situation.

Love decides what's truly important, it can be blind, but only based on love of the wrong things.

It goes where you want it to go and it stops when you stop.

It's never too late to love, nor too early. Love is patient and it is kind...

My all-time favorite song is by one of my all-time favorite bands. It's "Bigger Than Love" by My Favorite Highway. Every time I listen to it my brain goes somewhere else. Because it helped me realize that while most of us are here on earth trying to figure out what we need to make us who we are, and this song helped me find out that all you need is love. With love, anything is possible. And with love, everything falls into place.

So...like the song goes..."If there's a hole in your heart, you gotta pull it together, it takes the courage to start, but now it's better than ever, it takes a push and a shove, somehow it's never enough, and it's alarming how quick you could forget that, nothing's bigger than love."

A lot of the times a push and a shove is more than we can handle, but I promise you that with a push and a shove, love can make miracles happen. It can mend the hole in your heart, and it can complete your soul. Once love is let in, anything, and I mean ANYTHING, can happen.

Peace ya'll.


  1. Love truly is everything. Without love I wouldnt be were I am now, and I would have been down a couple of friends. Its because of love that I have gotten through some of the HARDEST times in my life. Without love I wouldnt even exist.
