
Thursday, February 4, 2010


..in life it's good to take a look at an aspect of your life and see if it needs improvement. It really is like cleaning out the cobwebs and starting anew. Today I came to a hard realization of something that is really not that hard to point out. It was the fact that people are not perfect.

My whole life I had blamed people for things, claiming that they had only let me down, and that is what I thought the only reason for the human race was. People are a lot more than flesh and bones that never cease to fail you. Yes, they will come short, and yes they made not succeed the way you want to. But you cannot expect perfection from something so prone to be imperfect.

I always wanted people to live up to my expectations, and hated them when they didn't. I realized it's a lot more pain to raise the bar entirely too high. There is no way that people could reach the expectations I had for them. But it takes a lot to step down and realize I was wrong. When someone fails me and does something I don't agree with, instead of just judging them and putting them down for their shortcomings, I must realize that they are in the same situation as me. They are filled with little imperfections, sometimes they have larger ones. But I cannot expect them to be perfect. Because my hopes will get dashed once more.

But regardless of who fails me today or who lets me down today or who happens to fall short of my still high expectations, I refuse to leave a scar on yesterday, today, or tomorrow. I don't want to leave a single day with a smudge on it. I want to be able to look back on that day and recognize a way that I have grown from something that happened. Even if someone had to mess up for me to realize it.

Anyway. Just the way I'm feelin' ya'll.

Goodnight world.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on that.. Im continually working on that.
